Curriculum Vitae

Maria Paula Martins Serra de OLiveira

Data da última atualização »Last update : 29/05/2013

Maria Paula Martins Serra de OLiveira Publicou 41 artigos em revistas especializadas. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 37 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

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Dados pessoais (Personal data)
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Full name
Maria Paula Martins Serra de OLiveira
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
OLiveira, Maria Paula Martins Serra de

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Ferreira, J. A; Gudiño, E.; de Oliveira, P. 2013. "Analytical and Numerical study of memory formalisms in diffusion processes", Modelling and Simulation n Fluid Dynamics in Porous Media 28, .: 67 - 86.
2. Ferreira, J. A; de Oliveira, P; da Silva, P. 2012. "Analytics and numerics of drug release tracking", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 236, 15: 3572 - 3583.
3. Ferreira, J. A; de Oliveira, P; da Silva, P. M. 2012. "Controlled Drug Delivery and Ophthalmic Applications", Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly 26, 4: 331 - 343.
4. Ferreira, J. A; de Oliveira, P; Silva, P. M. 2012. "Reaction-diffusion in viscoelastic materials", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 236, 15: 3783 - 3795.
5. Ferreira, J. A; de Oliveira, P; da Silva, P. M. 2011. "Mathematical Analysis of Waiting Times for Reaching Therapeutic Effects", Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 76, 3-4: 163 - 174.
6. Ferreira, J. A; de Oliveira, P; da Silva, P; Simon, L.. 2011. "Flux tracking in drug delivery", Applied Mathematical Modelling 35, 10: 4684 - 4696.
7. Ferreira, J. A; de Oliveira, P; Silva, P. M; Murta, J. N. 2011. "Drug Delivery: From a Contact Lens to the Anterior Chamber", Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 71, 1: 1 - 14.
8. Ferreira, J. A; Mouro, A. P; Oliveira, P.. 2010. "Lifting solutions of quasilinear convection-dominated problems", International Journal of Computer Mathematics 87, 7: 1522 - 1537.
9. Ferreira, J. A; Oliveira, P.; Silva, P. M; Carreira, A.; Gil, H.; Murta, J. N. 2010. "Sustained Drug Release from Contact Lenses", Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 60, 2: 151 - 179.
10. Oliveira, P.; Ferreira, J. A. 2010. "Looking for a lost memory in diffusion-reaction equations", Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanic, .: 229 - 252.
11. Ferreira, J. A; de Oliveira, P; da Silva, P; Comissiong, D. M. G. 2009. "A Phenomenological Model for Desorption in Polymers", Cmc-Computers Materials & Continua 13, 1: 17 - 47.
12. Ferreira, J. A; de Oliveira, P. 2008. "Qualitative analysis of a delayed non-Fickian model", Applicable Analysis 87, 8: 873 - 886.
13. Araújo, A.; Ferreira, J.A.; Fernandes, N.; de Oliveira, P. 2008. "Using splitting methods in continuous digester modeling", Applied Mathematical Modelling 32, 9: 1869 - 1882.
14. Ferreira, J. A; De Oliveira, P. 2007. "Memory effects and random walks in reaction-transport systems", Applicable Analysis 86, 1: 99 - 118.
15. Branco, J.R.; Ferreira, J.A.; de Oliveira, P. 2007. "Numerical methods for the generalized Fisher–Kolmogorov–Petrovskii–Piskunov equation", Applied Numerical Mathematics 57, 1: 89 - 102.
16. Araujo, A.; Ferreira, J. A; Oliveira, P.. 2006. "The effect of memory terms in diffusion phenomena", Journal of Computational Mathematics 24, 1: 91 - 102.
17. Araújo, A.; Ferreira, J. A; Oliveira, P.. 2005. "Qualitative behavior of numerical traveling solutions for reaction–diffusion equations with memory", Applicable Analysis 84, 12: 1231 - 1246.
18. Araújo, A.; Ferreira, J. A; Oliveira, P.. 2005. "The Role of Abstract Numerical Properties in the Change of Character of Reactive Flows", Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 7, S2: S141 - S163.
19. Araújo, A.; Ferreira, J. A; Oliveira, P.; Patrício, F.; Rosa, P.. 2004. "The use of splitting methods in the numerical simulation of reacting flows", Computing and Visualization in Science 6, 2-3: 59 - 66.
20. Oliveira, P.; Araújo, A.; Fernandes, N.; Ferreira, J.A.. 2004. "Simulation of the transient behaviour of a digester used in the pulp and paper industry ", European Symposium on Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering - 14, .: 325 - 330.
21. Santos, J; de Oliveira, P. 1999. "A converging finite volume scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws with source terms", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 111, 1-2: 239 - 251.
22. Oliveira, P.; Santos, J. 1999. "On a class of high resolution methods for solving hyperbolic conservation laws with source terms", Applied Non Linear Analysis, .: . - ..
23. de Oliveira, P; Patricio, F.. 1997. "Monotonicity on nonuniform grids", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 80, 2: 171 - 181.
24. Oliveira, Paula; Patrício, Fernanda. 1997. "Numerical oscillations on nonuniform grids", Journal of Engineering Mathematics 31, 4: 319 - 335.
25. Oliveira, F.; de Oliveira, P; Lopes, M.Céu; Castro, J.A.A.M.. 1994. "Two adaptive grid methods for fixed bed systems simulation", Computers & Chemical Engineering 18, 3: 227 - 243.
26. Ferreira, J.A.; De Oliveira, P. 1993. "Convergence properties of numerical discretizations and regridding methods", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 45, 3: 321 - 330.
27. De Oliveira, P; Patrício, Fernanda. 1992. "On fitting stability regions of second derivative multi-step methods", Communications in Applied Numerical Methods 8, 6: 351 - 360.
28. De Oliveira, P. 1992. "A complete relief of the zero-stability domain", Applicable Analysis 47, 1-4: 87 - 102.
29. Oliveira, Paula D. 1991. "On the characterization of finite differences optimal meshes", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 36, 2: 137 - 148.
30. Oliveira, P.. 1991. "Some theoretical considerations on regridding methods", Numerical Treatment of Differential Equations, .: . - ..
31. de Oliveira, P. 1990. "On a class of multistep methods with strong contractivity properties", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 30, 1: 11 - 19.
32. Oliveira, P.; Lopes, M.Céu. 1990. "Spatial grid refinements with truncation error injection for evolution problems", Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai 59, .: . - ..
33. de Oliveira, P; Patricio, Fernanda. 1989. "A class of contractive second derivatives multistep methods", Applied Mathematics and Computation 31, .: 170 - 182.
34. De Oliveira, P. 1989. "Some simple characterizations of contractivity regions", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 25, 1: 27 - 32.
35. Oliveira, P.; Oliveira, F. 1988. "On a theoretical justification of adaptive gridding for finite difference approximations", International Series of Numerical Mathematics 86, .: . - ..
36. Patricio, F.; Oliveira, P.. 1987. "MULTIDERIVATIVE VARIABLE STEPSIZE VARIABLE FORMULA METHODS", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 19, 2: 261 - 267.
37. Olive Ira, P; Patrfcio, F.. 1986. "Multistep methods with optimal stability regions", Applicable Analysis 21, 3: 185 - 198.
38. Oliveira, Paula. 1981. "On the optimal design of a plate submitted to a rupture criterion", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 29, 1: 67 - 79.
39. OLiveira, Maria P. M. S.. 1981. "Un problème de optimisation de structures", C:R.Acad. Sci. Paris, 292: . - ..
40. OLiveira, Maria P. M. S.. 1980. "Dérivabilité de l érreur par rapport à la triangulation dans la méthode des éléments finis", RAIRO 14, 3: . - ..
41. OLiveira, Maria P. M. S.. 1980. "Existence de maillages optimaux dans la méthode des éléments finis", RAIRO 14, 3: . - ..

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing

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