Epistemologia Evolucionária / Evolutionary Epistemology

Grupo de Investigação | Research Group:

Epistemologia e Metodologia | Epistemology and Methodology

Epistemologia Evolucionária

At AppEEL, we aim to advance the study of the Extended Synthesis in biology from an inter- and transdisciplinary approach; and to identify how the Extended Synthesis can be applied to the epistemological, sociocultural and linguistic domains. We operate from within the general frameworks provided by philosophy of science, and in particular endorse an applied evolutionary epistemological approach. This means that focus lies on identifying the ontological structures foundational for evolutionary theories.

AppEEL is the home of the Springer Nature Book Series Interdisciplinary Evolution Research.




Nathalie Gontier (Head); Olga Pombo; Francisco Carrapiço; Luís Correia


Marta Facoetti
Antonio Fadda
Francesco Ferretti
Augusta Gaspar
Andrew Locke
Chris Sinha
Natalie Uomini
Slawomir Wacewicz
Przemyslaw Żywiczynski



Susana Araújo Marreiro Varela
José M. Castro Álvarez
Márcia Belchior
Marco Pina
Larissa Mendoza Straffon
Emanuele Serrelli


Laboratório || Lab

Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Lab

Head: Nathalie Gontier

GI / RG: Epistemologia e Metodologia/ Epistemology and Methodology

AppEEL was founded in July 2012 with the support of the John Templeton Foundation. We are currently financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Grant ID: DL57/2016/CP1479/CT0066 and Research Unit ID: UIDB/00678/2020)


Actividades || Activities

Publicações || Publications

Livros / Books
  1. 2016. Mendoza Straffon, L. (ed.) Cultural Phylogenetics. Interdisciplinary Evolution Research Vol 4, Springer, Dordrecht.
  2. 2015. Gontier, N. (ed). Reticulate Evolution: Symbiogenesis, Lateral Gene Transfer, Hybridization and Infectious heredity. Interdisciplinary Evolution Research Vol 3, Springer, Dordrecht.
  3. 2015. Serrelli E. & Gontier, N. (eds). Macroevolution: Explanation, Interpretation and Evidence. Interdisciplinary Evolution Research Vol 2, Springer Dordrecht.
  4. 2014. Pina, M. & Gontier, N. The Evolution of Social Communication in Primates: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Interdisciplinary Evolution Research Vol 1, Springer Dordrecht.


Special Issues
  1. Gontier, N. 2016. (guest editor) Special Issue: Evolutionary Patterns. Evolutionary Biology 43 (4). http://link.springer.com/journal/11692/43/4/page/1

Reuniões Científicas || Scientific Meetings

  1. Thematic Session on Reticulate Evolution Before and After the Modern Synthesis: Historical and Epistemological Perspectives and Wider Applications Beyond Traditional Field for the International Symbiosis Society organizado por Nathalie Gontier and Jan Sapp. [Call for Papers] [Website], 17 de Julho de 2015, FCUL.
  1. Cognition, Behavior and Evolution Workshop. Orgoanizing Institution: CFCUL, AppEEL, CREA & Champallimaud. Organizers: Claúdia Sousa & Nathalie Gontier. Speakers: Angela Brandão, Tiago Carrilho, Catarina Casanova, Paulo Gama Mota, Augusta Gaspar, Nathalie Gontier, Tetsuro Matszuzawa, Marco Pina, António J. Santos, Francisco C. Santos,Cláudia Sousa.
  1. AAAS SYMPOSIUM SESSION ON HOW MACROEVOLUTIONARY STUDIES CALL FOR AN EXTENDED SYNTHESIS, February 17th, 2013, Boston, USA. Organizing Institution: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Organizers: Nathalie Gontier, Emanuele Serrelli. Speakers: David Sepkoski; Douglas H. Erwin; Derek Turner; Folmer Bokma; Alycia Stigall, Nathalie Gontier & Emanuele Serrelli
  2. AAAS SYMPOSIUM SESSION ON HOW SYMBIOSIS, HORIZONTAL GENE TRANSFER AND VIROLUTION CALL FOR AN EXTENDED SYNTHESIS, February 16th, 2013, Boston, USA. Organizing Institution: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Organizers: Nathalie Gontier & Francisco Carrapiço. Moderator: Luís Correia. Speakers: Douglas Zook; William Martin; Frédéric Bouchard; Nathalie Gontier; Luís Correia, Emanuele Serrelli
  3. AAA SYMPOSIUM SESSION ON CULTURAL TRANSMISSION STUDIES: TREE AND NETWORK MODELS OF MICRO- AND MACROEVOLUTION, November, 25th, 2013, San Francisco, USA. Organizing Institution: American Anthropological Association (AAA). Organizers: Nathalie Gontier, Emanuele Serrelli. Moderator: Larissa Mendoza Straffon. Speakers: Frank Kressing, Emanuele Serrelli, Quentin Douglas Atkinson, Nathalie Gontier, Matthew Joseph Walsh, Anna Marie Prentiss (absent, replaced by MJ Walsh), Larissa Mendoza Straffon, Alberto Bisin
  4. AAA SYMPOSIUM SESSION ON CULTURAL TRANSMISSION STUDIES: TREE AND NETWORK MODELS OF MICRO- AND MACROEVOLUTION, November, 25th, 2013, San Francisco, USA. Organizing Institution: American Anthropological Association (AAA). Organizers: Nathalie Gontier, Emanuele Serrelli. Moderator: Larissa Mendoza Straffon. Speakers: Frank Kressing, Emanuele Serrelli, Quentin Douglas Atkinson, Nathalie Gontier, Matthew Joseph Walsh, Anna Marie Prentiss (absent, replaced by MJ Walsh), Larissa Mendoza Straffon, Alberto Bisin
  5. ISHPSSB ROUNDTABLE ON BACK TO DARWIN'S TANGLED BANK: TAKING ECOLOGICAL SCIENCES SERIOUSLY IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, July 10th, 2013, Montpellier, France. Organizing Institution: International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB). Organizer: Emanuele Serrelli. Speakers: Emanuele Serrelli, Greg Cooper, Nei de Freitas Nunes-Neto, Julien Delord
  6. ISHPSSB CONFERENCE SESSION ON UNDERSTANDING VARIATION BEYOND THE MODERN SYNTHESIS, July 8th, 2013, Montpellier, France. Organizing Institution: International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB). Organizers: Davide Vecchi & Emanuele Serrelli. Speakers: Davide Vecchi, Pablo Razeto-Barry, Emanuele Serrelli, Nathalie Gontier.


Divulgação || Outreach

  1. Video Website of the 2013 Evolutionary Patterns Conference.
  2. Video Website of the 2013 Evolution Schools (features interviews with the teachers of the Summer and Winter School and videos of the ambiance).
  3. AppEEL's YouTube channel (contains the full 2013 Public Conference on Evolution as well as shots of the Teenager Day and news on the Lab).