For more information, please contact

Conference Director

Catarina Pombo Nabais

Organising Committee

Alexander Gerner

Bruno Peixe Dias

Gonçalo Zagalo

Gil C. Santos

João L. Cordovil

Nuno Melim

Pedro Feijó

Tony Yanick

Hosted by

CFCUL Faculdade de Ciências Universidade de Lisboa


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Deleuze Studies Conference
Call for Papers


We welcome individual abstracts as well as panel proposals.
Possible approaches may include, among others:


Territory and contemporary metaphysics

Time, space and territory

Territory and artistic creation

Politics and territory

Territory and sense

Territorialized and deterritorialized bodies

Territory and its cartographies

Territory and Law



Friday, March1st, 2013 (GMT) - Extended Deadline!


For those who submitt their abstracts within the extended deadline, we plan to notify the acceptances untill March 15th.


Paper abstracts must be written in English and with no more than 300 words. Submissions must be in .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf format. Paper Abstracts must include: title, author's name, institution, contact information.





Friday, March1st, 2013 (GMT) - Extended Deadline!


For those who submitt their abstracts within the extended deadline, we plan to notify the acceptances untill March 15th.

Panel Abstracts must be written in English and with no more than 500 words. The Panel abstract must include: (a) a brief description of the panel as a whole and (b) the descriptions of the papers to be presented in the said panel. Submissions must be in .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf format. Panel abstracts must include: title of the panel, titles of the papers, names of all the participants (please refer a Chairman, if necessary), institutions, contact informations. The length of the whole panel session must not exceed 90 minutes (discussion period included).


Panels should consist of 3 participants.



We have already some options in what regards the publication of papers presented at the 6th Deleuze Studies International Conference «The territory in-between». Some of the papers presented at the conference will be selected for publication by a peer review process, either in the internationally recognised Deleuze Studies Journal, or in a major international publishing house, either in a special issue of the journal Kairos.


NB: All contributing participants will be required to finance their own travel, registration fee and accommodation (the organizational team is already working on a list of nice and cheap accommodation which will be available soon).


Deleuze Studies International Conference is not a profit making organization so registration fees will be kept as low as possible whilst still covering the costs of running the event and providing low cost postgraduate registration.