Juan Manuel Torres

Bio | Situação no CFCUL | Produção Científica | CV

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Bio || Bio

Juan Manuel Torres é Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade Nacional del Sur, Argentina. Actualmente é director do Centre of Epistemology of Universidad Nacional de Cuyo além de professor e investigador na Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Instituto de Cs. Básicas, e na Universidad Tecnologica Nacional (Regional Mendoza) lecciona tanto em cursos de graduação como de pós-graduação. Destacam-se os mestrados em Negocios y Administración, Desarollo Sustenable, Docencia Universitaria e o doutoramento em Filosofia e Ciencias de la Educación. É regente da disciplina de Filosofia da Ciência desde 1980, é Director do Centro de Logica y Filosofia de la Ciencia de la Univesidad Nacional del Sur e dirige uma série de projectos de investigação, entre os quais "Unidad de la Ciencia" na Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. É colaborador do CFCUL e Professor Galardoado pela Fundação Gulbenkian.

Áreas de Interesse || Current Research

  1. Filosofia
  2. Metodologia e Historia da Ciência e Tecnologia
  3. Filosofia da Biologia
  4. Epistemologia das Ciências Médicas

Situação no CFCUL || Position at the CFCUL

Membro Colaborador

Grupos de Investigação || Research Groups

Filosofia das Ciências da Vida (Colaborador)

Área de Investigação Filosofia da Biologia (Colaborador)


Contactos || Contacts


Produção Científica (Selecção) || Scientific Production (Selection)

Publicações || Publications

Livros / Books
  1. 2011 -The Unity of Science: Special Sciences. Springer (N. York-London-Heidelberg) Co-ed. con J. Symons y O. Pombo. ISBN 978-94-007-2029-9.
  2. 2010 - Otto Neurath and the Unity of Science. Springer, (N. York - London) Co-ed. con J. Symons. ISBN 978-94-007-0142-7.
  3. 2010 - Reflexiones Humanistas sobre Ciencia y Tecnología, Ediunc, Mendoza, Argentina (2009) On Kuhn's Philosophy and its Legacy'
  4. 2007 - THE INFLUENCE OF GENETICS ON CONTEMPORARY THINKING, A book co-edited together with A. Fagot-Largeault, S. Rahman and J. M. Torres, Springer.
  5. 2007 - "Genetics and Society: a different view" in THE INFLUENCE ON CONTEMPORARY THINKING, A book co-edited with A. Fagot-Largeault and S. Rahman.
  6. 2006 - "Genetics and Society. A different view", in The Influence of Genetics on Contemporary Thinking, Fagot-Largeault, A., Rahman, S. and Torres, J. M.edts. Springer.
  7. 2005 - "Genetic and Society: a Diferent View" in THE INFLUENCE OF GENETICS ON THE CONTEMPORARY THINKING (Kluwer - Springer Publishers). A book edited by Anne Fagot Largot (Collège de France)Shahid Rahman (Lille) and Juan Manuel Torres (CFCUL).
  8. 2004 - THE INFLUENCE OF GENETICS IN SCIENTIFIC AND PHILOSOPHICAL THINKING, A book coedited with A. Fagot Largeault (Collège de France), Kluwer Academic Publishers. In preparation
  9. 2003 - "The puzzling role of philosophy in life sciences: Bases for a joint program for philosophy and history of science" in Logic, Epistemology and the Unity of Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers. A book edited by Dov Gabbay (Oxford), Shahid Rahman (Lille), John Symons (Texas) and Jean-van Bendegem (Brussel) (appearing now).
Capítulos de Livros / Book Chapters
  1. 2005 - "Introduction" in THE INFLUENCE OF GENETICS ON THE CONTEMPORARY THINKING (Kluwer - Springer Publishers).
  2. 2004 - "The puzzling role of philosophy in life sciences: Bases for a joint program for philosophy and history of science" in LOGIC, EPISTEMOLOGY AND THE UNITY OF SCIENCE, D. Gabbay, S. Rahman, J. Symons and Jean-van Bendegem, 211-226.
  3. 1999 - "Test genético, medicina génica y la evolución del concepto de salud" in BIOÉTICA Y GENÉTICA, S. Bergel y J. M. Cantú eds. Cátedra UNESCO de Bioética. Ciudad Argentina: 365-394.
  4. 1999 - "On the falsification of the Central Dogma and the de novo synthesis of molecular species" in PHILOSOPHIA NATURALIS, 36: 1-18.
  5. 1998 - "On the prediction in biology and evolutionary theory" in UROBOROS. BIOLOGY BETWEEN MYTHOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY, W. Lugowski and K. Matsuno eds., Wroclaw.
Artigos / Articles
  1. 2007 - "Terapia génica: realidad o un sueño de pipa?" LUDUS VITALIS, 27: 181-194
  2. 2006 - "Genetic tools, Kuhnean theoretical shift and the geneticization process", in MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE AND PHILOSOPHY, 9: 3-12.
  3. 2005 - "Genetic Tools, Kuhnean Theoretical shift and Geneticization Process" THE JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE AND FILOSOPHY (Kluwer - Springer Publishers).
  4. 2003 - "Genetics, Health and the Geneticization", Diálogo Político. (Dialogo Político is a new journal published by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung ). Vol. 1, pp. 81-100.
  5. 2002 - "The importance of genetic services for the theory of health: basis for an integrating theory" THE JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE and PHILOSOPHY, 5: 43-51.
  6. 2000 - "The effect of the hypothetical-deductive methodology on the molecular biology", CUADERNOS DEL SUR. 29: 77-96.
  7. 1997 - "Resolviendo problemas originados en el test y screening genético para enfermedades recesivas", BIOETICA, 5: 195-203 (published by Conselho Federal de Medicina do Brazil).
  8. 1997 - "On the limits of enhancement in human gene transfer: drawing the line", THE JOURNAL of MEDICINE and PHILOSOPHY, 22:: 43-53.
  9. 1996 - "Competing research programmes on the origin of life", JOURNAL for GENERAL PHILOSOPHY of SCIENCE, 27: 325-346.
  10. 1995 - "The importance of accurate terminology in the field of human gene transfer", HUMAN GENE THERAPY, 6: 133-135.
  11. 1993 - "Current notions of genotype and phenotype vis a vis new evidence in molecular biology. A methodological study", BIOLOGY FORUM, 86-2: 181-197.
Actas / Proceedings
  1. 2006 - "Un análisis de la teoría de la salud basado en lógica difusa" en selección de trabajos de las XVI Jornadas de Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, Córdoba, Argentina.