Matthieu Fontaine

Bio | Situação no CFCUL | Produção Científica | CV

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Bio || Bio

Matthieu Fontaine obtained his PhD in Philosophy at the Université Lille 3 - Charles-de-Gaulle (France), in 2013. In his PhD dissertation (supervised by Sh. Rahman), he advocates an artefictual theory of fiction for which he defines a dialogical semantics as well as a formal semantics for relations of ontological dependences. From 2007 to 2010, has taught various topics in philosophy and logic at the faculty of philosophy of Lille. From 2011 to 2013, he has taught logic, argumentation and philosophy of science at the faculty of medicine of Lille. From 2013 to 2015, he has been postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Philosophical Investigation - National Autonomous University of Mexico, where he worked on the ontology of hypothetical objects and the use of existential conjectures in abductive reasoning with Dr. Ana Rosa Perez-Ransanz and Dr. Atocha Aliseda. Matthieu Fontaine is currently FCT-Post-doc at CFCUL and work on a dialogical logic approach to the use of existential conjectures in abductive reasoning. His researches are also related to ontological and metaphysical matters, in particular about hypothetical and fictional entities. He is interested in Hintikka's philosophy, too. s editor with Shahid Rahman (Lille, France) and Nicolas Clerbout (Valparaiso, Chile) of the collection « Dialogues and the Games of Logic », College Publications, London.

Áreas de Interesse || Current Research

  1. Argumentation
  2. Logic
  3. Metaphysics
  4. Epistemology
  5. Philosophy of language
  6. Philosophy of science

Situação no CFCUL || Position at the CFCUL

Membro Integrado Doutorado / Post-Doc FCT

Grupos de Investigação || Research Groups

Epistemologia e Metodologia (Lógica e Metodologia)


Projecto Pós-Doc || Post-Doc Research Project

Referência da bolsa: SFRH/BPD/116494/2016
Título: Existential Conjectures in Abductive Reasoning
Orientação: Olga Pombo
Início: 2017


Linhas Temáticas || Thematic Lines

Unity of Science and Interdisciplinarity



Contactos || Contacts

Campo Grande, Edificio C6, Piso 2 1749-016 Lisboa Portugal

+351 217 500 365 (Ext. 24324)





Produção Científica (Selecção) || Scientific Production (Selection)

Publicações || Publications

Livros / Books
  1. 2013. Argumentation et Engagement engagement ontologique - Etre, c'est être choisi, College Publications, London, ISBN 978-1-84890-127-8.
  2. 2011. How to Play Dialogues, College Publications, London, ISBN 978-1-84890-046-2 (with J. Redmond)
  3. 2008. Logique Dialogique : Une introduction, College Publications, London, ISBN 978-1-904987-94-9 (with J. Redmond)
Livros (ED.) / Books (as Editor)
  1. 2015. Radmila Jovanovic (author). Hintikka's Take on Realism and the Constructivist Challenge, College Publications, London, ISBN 978-1-8489-0194-0
  2. 2012. Cristina Barés Gómez, Sébastien. Magniez et Francisco Salguero (eds). Logic of Knowledge. Theory and Applications, College Publications, London, ISBN 978-1-84890-074-5
  3. 2011. Helge Rücker (author). Dialogues as a Dynamic Framework for Logic, College Publications, London, ISBN 978-1-84890-047-9
Capítulos de Livros / Book Chapters
  1. 2017. "Argumentation and Abduction in Dialogical Logic", in Springer Handbook of Model-Based Science, Magnani & Bertolotti (eds), Springer, Dordrecht, ISBN: 978-3-319-30525-7: 295-314 (with C. Barés Gómez)
  2. 2012. "To Be is To Be Chosen - A Dialogical Understanding of Ontological Commitment", in Logic of Knowledge. Theory and Applications, C. Barés Gómez, S. Magniez et F.Salguero (eds), College Publications, London, ISBN 978-1-84890-074-5: 203-22 (with J. Redmond)
Artigos / Articles
  1. 2016. « Inconsistency-Adaptive Dialogical Logic », Logica Universalis 10(1) : 99-134, DOI : 10.1007/s11787-016-0139-y (with M. Beirlaen)
  2. 2014. « Book Review of "Errors of Reasoning: Naturalizing the Logic of Inference", John Woods, College Publications, London (2013), ISBN: 978-1-84890-114-8 », Journal of Applied Logic 12 (2): 175-78, DOI: 10.1016/j.jal.2014.01.002
  3. 2014. « Towards a Semantics for the Artifactual Theory of Fiction and Beyond », Synthese, 191(3): 499-516. DOI 10.1007/s11229-013-0287-z, (with Sh. Rahman).
  4. 2012. « Individuality in Fiction and the Creative Role of the Reader », Revue Internationale de Philosophie 262(4): 539-60, ISSN 0048-8143 (with Sh. Rahman).
  5. 2011. « Dynamique Dialogique : Lecture d'une controverse entre logiciens jaïns et grammairiens en Inde classique », Kairos, Revista de Filosofia & Ciência, vol. 2, Lisbon : 45-66, ISSN 1647-659X (with M.-H. Gorisse and Sh. Rahman)
  6. 2010. « Fiction, Creation and Fictionality - An Overview » Méthodos, 10, Lille [], DOI 10.4000/methodos.2343, (with Sh. Rahman).

Reuniões Científicas || Scientific Meetings

Comunicações / Talks
  1. 2017. October. Proper Names and Identity of Fictional Characters. III Blasco Disputatio: Singular Terms in Fiction. Valencia, Spain.
  2. 2017. July. Abducción en lógica dialógica. IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Filosofia de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia. Salamanca, Spain. (With Cristina Barés Gómez)
  3. 2017. June. Diálogos lógicos y Lógica lineal. Jornadas sobre dinámica de la información: Representación, Interacción y Abducción. Seville, Spain.
  4. 2016. October. The Double-Aspect of Abstract Artifacts. Philosophy of Language (I): Semantics of Fictional Discourse. Bratislava, Slovakia.
  5. 2016. January. Inconsistencies and the Use of Negation in Adaptive Dialogical Logic. How to say 'Yes' or 'No': Logical Approaches to Modes of Assertion and Denial. Workshop in Philosophy of Logic. University of Salento. Lecce, Italy.
  6. 2015. October. Contradiction et négation dans le contexte d'une dialogique adaptive. ADA & LACTO workshop "Argumentation, Interpretation and the interface Pragmatics and Semantics". Lille, France.
  7. 2015. May. IAD y las inconsistencias en juegos argumentativos. Seminario "Lógica y Heurística". México DF, Mexico.
  8. 2014. October. Lógica y Argumentación - Una reconciliación por el Diálogo. Seminario de los Investigadores - IIF UNAM. México DF, Mexico.
  9. 2014. June. Transmission de l'information dans les pratiques argumentatives Evidentialité dans une sémantique dialogique. Ve Congrès de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences. Lille, France. (With Cristina Barés Gómez)
  10. 2014. June. Dialogues de flamands sur l'E17 - Vers une logique dialogique adaptive. Ve Congrès de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences. Lille, France. (With Mathieu Beirlaen)
  11. 2014. April. Jugar a dialogar y la semántica de las constantes lógicas. XVII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía de la Asociación Filosófica de México. Morelia, Mexico.
  12. 2014. February. Ser elegido y ser dependiente: Diálogos y compromiso ontológico. III Congreso Colombiano de Lógica, Epistemología y Filosofía de la Ciencia. Bogotá, Colombia.
  13. 2013. December. La difícil existencia de las ficciones. Seminario "Realismo y Antirealismo". México DF, Mexico.
  14. 2013. November. Argumentar, Dialogar y Comprometerse con criaturas de otro tipo. Seminario « Logica y Heuristica ». México DF, Mexico
  15. 2013. March. Dialogues avec des êtres d'un autre type. GDT Dialogique. UMR-CNRS 8163. Lille, France.
  16. 2011. July. Weak Impermeabilism for Fictionality in a Dialogical Framework. 14th CLMPS (Congress on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science). Nancy, France.
  17. 2011. April. Choix de primitives et perspectives ontologiques dans la théorie artefactuelle. GDT Dialogique, UMRS CNRS 8163. Lille, France.
  18. 2011. March. Fonctions d'individus dans la théorie artefactuelle. GDT Dialogique, UMR-CNRS 8163. Lille, France.
  19. 2011. March. La norme dans l'ontologie artefactuelle. Séminaire « La non-existence dans le domaine normatif : les normes comme fictions, MESHS & UMR CNRS 8163. Lille, France.
  20. 2010. May. To Be is To Be Chosen -A Dialogical Understanding of Ontological Commitment. International Symposium - Argumentation in Intentional Contexts: Knowledge, Belief, Dialogues. Seville, Spain.
  21. 2010. April. Ontologie des objets abstraits dans la théorie artefactuelle. Séminaire « LoLiTa », UMR CNRS 8163. Lille, France.
  22. 2009. September. Dialogique dynamique : Lecture d'une controverser entre logiciens jaïns et grammairiens en Inde classique. Colloque « Jeux, Dialogues et Interactions », ANR Prelude. Paris, France. (With M.-H. Gorisse & Sh. Rahman)
  23. 2009. September. Dialogique dynamique des fictions - L'existence est un choix, la référence une creation. Congrès triennal de la SOPHA. Geneva, Switzerland.
  24. 2008. January. Dynamique des fictions et supervaluations. Journée d'étude « Fictions : logiques, langages, mondes », GDT Fictions, IHPST. Paris, France. (With J. Redmond)
  25. 2007. October. Modalités et désignation non rigide dans la logique intentionnelle. Séminaire « Référence », MESHS & UMR CNRS 8163. Lille, France.
  26. 2007. October. Désignation rigide et logique intensionnelle. Séminaire « Référence », MESHS & UMR CNRS 8163. Lille, France.
  27. 2007. March. L'abstraction des prédicats dans une redéfinition des catégories de jugement. II Congrès de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences. Geneva, Switzerland.