Curriculum Vitae

Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves

Data da última atualização »Last update : 14/04/2016

Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves concluiu o Doutoramento em Engenharia do Território pela Universidade Técnica de Lisboa em 2007. É Professor Auxiliar no Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Publicou 7 artigos em revistas científicas especializadas e 4 trabalhos em atas de eventos. Orientou ou co-orientou 2 teses de doutoramento nas áreas de Engenharia Civil, Artes e Outras Engenharias e Tecnologias. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 33 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Gonçalves, Alexandre Bacelar
Categoria profissional
Professor Auxiliar
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Instituto Superior Técnico
Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitectura
DECivil - IST - Av Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisboa
Telefone: (+351)218418329
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2007 Doutoramento
Engenharia do Território.
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.

1996-1998 Mestrado
Master degree
Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (2 anos » years) .
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.

1990-1995 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Matemática Aplicada e Computação (5 anos » years) .
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Fev/2007-Actual Professor Auxiliar

Atividades de Ensino (Teaching activities)
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa

Línguas (Languages)
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Francês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem).
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Francês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Italiano (Pouco).

Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Francês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Italiano (Bem).
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Francês (Pouco), Espanhol (Bem), Italiano (Pouco).

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Actual Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, Membro.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Henriques, Frederico; Gonçalves, Alexandre. 2010. Analysis of Lacunae and Retouching Areas in Panel Paintings Using Landscape Metrics.  In Digital Heritage, ed. Marinos Ioannides Dieter Fellner Andreas Georgopoulos Diofantos G. Hadjimitsis, 99 - 109. ISBN: 978-3-642-16872-7. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
2. Falcão, A. P; Matos, J.; Gonçalves, A.; Casaca, J.; Sousa, J.. 2010. Preliminary Results of Spatial Modelling of GPS/Levelling Heights: A Local Quasi-Geoid/Geoid for the Lisbon Area.  In Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation, ed. Stelios P. Mertikas, 329 - 332. ISBN: 978-3-642-10633-0. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Lira, C.; Lousada, M.; Falcão, A. P; Gonçalves, A. B; Heleno, S.; Matias, M.; Pereira, M. J; Pina, P.; Sousa, António J; Oliveira, R.; Almeida, A. B. 2013. "The 20 February 2010 Madeira Island flash-floods: VHR satellite imagery processing in support of landslide inventory and sediment budget assessment", Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 13, 3: 709 - 719.
2. Rua, Helena; Gonçalves, Alexandre B; Figueiredo, Ricardo. 2013. "Assessment of the Lines of Torres Vedras defensive system with visibility analysis", Journal of Archaeological Science 40, 4: 2113 - 2123.
3. Falcão, Ana P; Mazzolari, Andrea; Gonçalves, Alexandre B; Araújo, Maria A. V; Trigo-Teixeira, António. 2013. "Influence of elevation modelling on hydrodynamic simulations of a tidally-dominated estuary", Journal of Hydrology 497, 1: 152 - 164.
4. Amorim, Ana M. T; Gonçalves, Alexandre B; Nunes, Luís M; Sousa, António J. 2012. "Optimizing the location of weather monitoring stations using estimation uncertainty", International Journal of Climatology 32, 6: 941 - 952.
In this article, we address the problem of planning a network of weather monitoring stations observing average air temperature (AAT). Assuming the network planning scenario as a location problem, an optimization model and an operative methodology are proposed. The model uses the geostatistical uncertainty of estimation and the indicator formalism to consider in the location process a variable demand surface, depending on the spatial arrangement of the stations. This surface is also used to express a spatial representativeness value for each element in the network. It is then possible to locate such a network using optimization techniques, such as the used methods of simulated annealing (SA) and construction heuristics. This new approach was applied in the optimization of the Portuguese network of weather stations monitoring the AAT variable. In this case study, scenarios of reduction in the number of stations were generated and analysed: the uncertainty of estimation was computed, interpreted and applied to model the varying demand surface that is used in the optimization process. Along with the determination of spatial representativeness value of individual stations, SA was used to detect redundancies on the existing network and establish the base for its expansion. Using a greedy algorithm, a new network for monitoring average temperature in the selected study area is proposed and its effectiveness is compared with the current distribution of stations. For this proposed network distribution maps of the uncertainty of estimation and the temperature distribution were created.

5. Gonçalves, Alexandre B. 2010. "An extension of GIS-based least-cost path modelling to the location of wide paths", International Journal of Geographical Information Science 24, 7: 983 - 996.
The computation of least-cost paths over a cost surface is a well-known and widely used capability of raster geographic information systems (GISs). It consists in finding the path with the lowest accumulated cost between two locations in a raster model of a cost surface, which results in a string-like, thin and long sequence of cells. In this article, a new extension of raster-based least-cost path modelling is proposed. The new modelling approach allows the computation of paths or corridors with a fixed width, larger than one cell. These swaths are called wide paths and may be useful in circumstances where the detail level of the raster cost surfaces is higher than the width of the desired path or corridor. The wide path model presented in the article is independent of the choice of least-cost algorithms, because the transformation from regular to wide paths is applied to the construction of nodes and edges of an induced graph. The article gives the foundations and discusses the particularities of such paths, regardless of the imposed width, and explores the difference from the usual least-cost path model. Test cases were included, one hypothetical and the other with real data. The results are coherent and indicative of the applicability of wide paths.

6. Leitão, João P; Matos, J.S.; Gonçalves, Alexandre B; Matos, João L. G.. 2005. "Contribution of Geographic Information Systems and location models to planning of wastewater systems", Water Science & Technology 52, 3: 1 - 8.
7. Matos, João L. G.; Gonçalves, Alexandre B. 2003. "Measurement and Analysis of Positional Accuracy", Geodesy and Cartography 29, 1: 20 - 26.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Matias, M.; Falcão, A. P; Gonçalves, Alexandre B; Pestana, Rita; Heleno, S.; Alvares, Teresa; Van Zeller, E; Rodrigues, Victor. 2014. "A influência dos modelos digitais de terreno nas simulações hidrodinâmicas – Metodologia aplicada ao rio Tejo", Trabalho apresentado em Conferência Nacional de Geodecisão, In Conferência Nacional de Geodecisão, Barreiro.
2. Gonçalves, Alexandre B. 2013. "A methodology to generate a digital elevation model by combining topographic and bathymetric data in fluvial environments", Trabalho apresentado em 2013 ESA Living Planet, In Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet 2013 Conference, Edinburgh.
3. Moreira, Inês F; Gonçalves, Alexandre B; Shrubsall, Sílvia C. 2012. "Planning on Safer Urban Mobility through Spatial Analysis: Application to Vila Real, Portugal", Trabalho apresentado em Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) Annual Congress , In Proceedings of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) Annual Congress , Ankara, Turkey.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Gonçalves, Alexandre B. 2013. "A web and GIS-based tool (SIRCuL) for a better cycling network planning and mobility management - interfacing bicycle users data and local administration policies", Trabalho apresentado em CITTA 6th Annual Conference on Planning Research, In CITTA 6th Annual Conference on Planning Research, Coimbra.
2. Gonçalves, Alexandre B. 2013. "A Participative Bike Route Planner to Improve Adaptive Cycling Strategies in Cycling Starter Cities - Typology of Cyclists and Cycling Preferences in Lisbon", Trabalho apresentado em AESOP / ACSP Joint Congress 2013 Planning for Resilient Cities and Regions, In AESOP / ACSP Joint Congress 2013 Planning for Resilient Cities and Regions, Dublin.
3. Flôr, Ana P. F; Gonçalves, Alexandre B; Silva, Nuno R. C. M.; Braz, Nádia M. S; Lima, José N; Araújo, Maria A. V. C; Teixeira, António A. T. 2011. "Construction of an elevation model for the evaluation of estuarine flooding frequency: the case of Lima River, Portugal", Trabalho apresentado em 7th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality, In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality, Coimbra.

Dados Complementares (Additional data)


Tese de Doutoramento
Phd Thesis
1. Frederico José Rodrigues Henriques, Metodologias de Documentação e Análise Espacial em Conservação de Pintura, 2013. Tese (Conservação de Pintura) - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador).
2. Ana Catarina Coelho Rosa Zózimo, Modelação Numérica da Rebentação das Ondas. Sistema Integrado de Modelação da Agitação Marítima, 2010. Tese (Ciências da Engenharia) - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Orientador).

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

Dados complementares
(Additional data)


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