Curriculum Vitae

Maria João Correia Colunas Pereira

Data da última atualização »Last update : 12/10/2018

Maria João Correia Colunas Pereira Publicou 22 artigos em revistas especializadas. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 58 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Maria João Correia Colunas Pereira
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Pereira, Maria João Correia Colunas

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Augusto, Sofia; Pereira, Maria J; Máguas, Cristina; Branquinho, Cristina. 2013. "A step towards the use of biomonitors as estimators of atmospheric PAHs for regulatory purposes", Chemosphere 92, 5: 626 - 632.
2. Ribeiro, Manuel C; Pinho, Pedro; Llop, Esteve; Branquinho, Cristina; Sousa, António J; Pereira, Maria J. 2013. "Multivariate geostatistical methods for analysis of relationships between ecological indicators and environmental factors at multiple spatial scales", Ecological Indicators 29, 29: 339 - 347.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Oliveira, Ana R; Branquinho, Cristina; Pereira, Maria; Soares, Amílcar. 2013. "Stochastic Simulation Model for the Spatial Characterization of Lung Cancer Mortality Risk and Study of Environmental Factors", Mathematical Geosciences 45, 4: 437 - 452.
2. Lira, C.; Lousada, M.; Falcao, A. P; Goncalves, A. B; Heleno, S.; Matias, M.; Pereira, M. J; Pina, P.; Sousa, A. J; Oliveira, R.; Almeida, A. B. 2013. "The 20 February 2010 Madeira Island flash-floods: VHR satellite imagery processing in support of landslide inventory and sediment budget assessment", Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13, 3: 709 - 719.
3. Augusto, S.; Pereira, M.J.; Máguas, C.; Soares, A.; Branquinho, C.. 2012. "Assessing human exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in a petrochemical region utilizing data from environmental biomonitors", Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues 75, 13-15: 819 - 830.
4. Llop, E.; Pinho, P.; Matos, P.; Pereira, M.J.; Branquinho, C.. 2012. "The use of lichen functional groups as indicators of air quality in a Mediterranean urban environment", Ecological Indicators 13, 1: 215 - 221.
5. Ribeiro, M.C.; Pereira, M.J.; Soares, A.; Branquinho, C.; Augusto, S.; Llop, E.; Fonseca, S.; Nave, J.G.; Tavares, A.B.; Dias, C.M.; Silva, A.; Selemane, I.; De Toro, J; Santos, M.J.; Santos, F.. 2010. "A study protocol to evaluate the relationship between outdoor air pollution and pregnancy outcomes", BMC Public Health 10, 1: 483 - 489.
6. Durão, R.M.; Pereira, M.J.; Branquinho, C.; Soares, A.. 2010. "Assessing spatial uncertainty of the Portuguese fire risk through direct sequential simulation", Ecological Modelling 221, 1: 27 - 33.
7. Costa, A.C.; Soares, A.; Pereira, M.J.; Durão, R.M.. 2010. "Evaluation of space-time dynamics in extreme precipitation frequency using geostatistical cosimulation with elevation", WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development 6, 1: 44 - 53.
8. Augusto, S.; Máguas, C.; Matos, J.; Pereira, M.J.; Branquinho, C.. 2010. "Lichens as an integrating tool for monitoring PAH atmospheric deposition: A comparison with soil, air and pine needles", Environmental Pollution 158, 2: 483 - 489.
9. Durão, R.M.; Pereira, M.J.; Costa, A.C.; Delgado, J.; del Barriod, G; Soares, A.. 2010. "Spatial-temporal dynamics of precipitation extremes in southern Portugal: A geostatistical assessment study", International Journal of Climatology 30, 10: 1526 - 15.
10. Dur~ao, R.; J.Pereira, M.; C.Costa, A.; M.Corte-Real, J.; Soares, A.. 2009. "Indices of precipitation extremes in Southern Portugal-a geostatistical approach", Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 9, 1: 241 - 250.
11. Augusto, S.; Máguas, C.; Matos, J.; Pereira, M.J.; Soares, A.; Branquinho, C.. 2009. "Spatial modeling of PAHs in lichens for fingerprinting of multisource atmospheric pollution", Environmental Science and Technology 43, 20: 7762 - 77.
12. Costa, Ana C; Durao, Rita; Soares, Amilcar; Pereira, Maria J. 2008. "A GEOSTATISTICAL EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS OF PRECIPITATION EXTREMES IN SOUTHERN PORTUGAL", Revstat-Statistical Journal 6, 1: 21 - +.
13. Pinho, P.; Augusto, S.; Máguas, C.; Pereira, M.J.; Soares, A.; Branquinho, C.. 2008. "Impact of neighbourhood land-cover in epiphytic lichen diversity: Analysis of multiple factors working at different spatial scales", Environmental Pollution 151, 2: 414 - 422.
14. Pinho, P.; Augusto, S.; Martins-Loução, M.A.; Pereira, M.J.; Soares, A.; Máguas, C.; Branquinho, C.. 2008. "Causes of change in nitrophytic and oligotrophic lichen species in a Mediterranean climate: Impact of land cover and atmospheric pollutants", Environmental Pollution 154, 3: 380 - 389.
15. Costa, A.C.; Durão, R.M.; Pereira, M.J.; Soares, A.. 2008. "Using stochastic space-time models to map extreme precipitation in southern Portugal", Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 8, 4: 763 - 773.
16. Soares, A.; Pereira, M.J.. 2007. "Space-time modelling of air quality for environmental-risk maps: A case study in South Portugal", Computers and Geosciences 33, 10: 1327 - 13.
17. Augusto, S.; Pereira, M.J.; Soares, A.; Branquinho, C.. 2007. "The contribution of environmental biomonitoring with lichens to assess human exposure to dioxins", International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 210, 3-4: 433 - 438.
18. Augusto, S.; Pinho, P.; Branquinho, C.; Pereira, M.J.; Soares, A.; Catarino, F.. 2004. "Atmospheric dioxin and furan deposition in relation to land-use and other pollutants: A survey with lichens", Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 49, 1-3: 53 - 65.
19. Pinho, P.; Augusto, S.; Branquinho, C.; Bio, A.; Pereira, M.J.; Soares, A.; Catarino, F.. 2004. "Mapping lichen diversity as a first step for air quality assessment", Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 49, 1-3: 377 - 389.
20. Branquinho, C.; Catarino, F.; Brown, D.H.; Pereira, M.J.; Soares, A.. 1999. "Improving the use of lichens as biomonitors of atmospheric metal pollution", Science of the Total Environment 232, 1-2: 67 - 77.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

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