• Latest update November 2018

R&D Institutions


Overview (R&DU and AL)

R&D Units (R&DU)(*)

Associate Laboratories(*)


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Exact Sciences – Sub-domains funding and researchers (FTE) 2012
Scientific sub-domain Funding effectively transferred in 2012 Researchers in FTE
Mathematics 725.834 € 715,50
Physical sciences 3.625.975 € 616,57
Chemical sciences 914.246 € 510,02
Total 5.266.054 € 1842,08

Source: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT Board, 19 March 2014.

Natural Science – Sub-domains funding and researchers (FTE) 2012
Scientific sub-domain Funding effectively transferred in 2012 Researchers in FTE
Earth and related environmental sciences 4.308.833 € 1022,07
Biological Sciences 719.392 € 337,63
Total 5.028.225 1359,70

Source: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT Board, 19 March 2014.

Engineering and Technology – Sub-domains, funding and researchers (FTE) 2012
Scientific sub-domain Funding effectively transferred in 2012 Researchers in FTE
Civil Engineering 337.266 € 275,50
Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering 4.192.705 € 1332,67
Mechanical engineering 1.660.449 € 581,33
Chemical engineering/Environmental biotechnology/Industrial biotechnology 7.132.294 € 1106,67
Materials Engineering 3.273.005 € 484,84
Total 16.595.720 € 3781,01

Source: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT Board, 19 March 2014.

Medical and Health Sciences – Sub-domains, funding and researchers (FTE) 2012
Scientific sub-domain Funding effectively transferred in 2012 Researchers in FTE
Health Sciences 10.423.513 € 1666,97
Total 10.423.513 € 1666,97

Source: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT Board, 19 March 2014.

Agricultural Sciences – Sub-domains, funding and researchers (FTE) 2012
Scientific sub-domain Funding effectively transferred in 2012 Researchers in FTE
Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries/ Animal and dairy science/
Veterinary science / Agricultural biotechnology/
Other agricultural science
732.483 € 683,60
Total 732.483 € 683,60

Source: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT Board, 19 March 2014.

Social Sciences – Sub-domains, funding and researchers (FTE) 2012
Scientific sub-domain Funding effectively transferred in 2012 Researchers in FTE
Psychology 546.778 € 314,47
Economics and business 1.377.646 € 627,00
Educational sciences 958.885 € 405,83
Sociology/Social and economic geography 3.404.433 € 966,36
Law/Political Science 390.850 € 333,95
Media and communications 99.483 € 117,33
Total 6.778.074 € 2764,94

Source: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT Board, 19 March 2014.

Humanities – Sub-domains, funding and researchers (FTE) 2012
Scientific sub-domain Funding effectively transferred in 2012 Researchers in FTE
History and archeology 1.123.441 € 705,07
Languages and literature 1.582.309 € 768,67
Philosophy, ethics and religion 548.922 € 313,85
Art (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music) 948.299 € 550,50
Total 4.202.971 € 2338,08

Source: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT Board, 19 March 2014.

Number of researchers in Eligible FTE in R&D Units and Associate Laboratories by scientific domain, 2003-2016
Scientific domain 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Exact Sciences 1337,50 1397,00 1481,75 1534,25 1572,75 1702,50 1791,05 1871,12 1835,32 1842,08 1750,13 1750,13 1190,02 1274,25
Natural Sciences 870,50 915,50 955,75 1029,00 1080,50 1215,00 1225,00 1292,08 1363,05 1359,70 1443,30 1443,30 820,07 844,1
Engineering and Technology 2171,50 2337,00 2557,75 2700,75 3025,50 3234,00 3291,36 3446,90 3685,39 3781,01 3761,56 3761,56 2297,18 2384,27
Medical and Health Sciences 843,00 873,25 990,50 1081,00 1246,75 1446,50 1575,45 1642,28 1642,70 1666,97 1685,98 1685,98 1193,79 1274,47
Agricultural Sciences 525,00 540,75 584,75 598,50 522,50 582,00 620,30 637,27 681,37 683,60 657,87 657,87 350,88 409,21
Social Sciences 1322,75 1418,75 1579,25 1803,50 2033,75 2126,55 2328,05 2464,56 2610,52 2764,94 2764,88 2764,88 1765,49 2009,4
Humanities 965,00 1060,50 1166,00 1280,50 1516,00 1786,00 1891,30 2062,87 2229,00 2338,08 2462,40 2462,40 1584,91 1798,39
Multidisciplinary 1443,65 1612,8
Total 8035,25 8542,75 9315,75 10027,50 10997,75 12092,55 12722,51 13417,07 14047,34 14436,39 14526,13 14526,13 10645,99 11606,89

Source: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, 21 June 2017.

Number of researchers in FTE in Associate Laboratories by scientific domain, 2003-2012
Scientific domain 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Exact Sciences 80,50 88,50 97,50 104,50 125,00 125,00 135,00 158,67 152,47 148,27
Natural Sciences 227,50 233,50 250,50 282,50 307,00 372,00 406,00 420,60 589,30 594,18
Engineering and Technology 1151,00 1264,00 1384,50 1514,25 1622,75 1707,75 1757,71 1895,25 2213,37 2297,08
Medical and Health Sciences 361,25 376,25 417,75 449,00 475,25 541,75 597,35 634,78 707,80 727,20
Agricultural Sciences
Social Sciences 62,00 71,00 73,00 93,00 121,00 137,00 168,00 173,39 185,00 207,01
Total 1882,25 2033,25 2223,25 2443,25 2651,00 2883,50 3064,06 3282,69 3847,94 3973,74

Source: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT Board, 19 March 2014.

Number of researchers in FTE in R&D Units by scientific domain, 2003-2012
Scientific domain 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Exact Sciences 1257,00 1308,50 1384,25 1429,75 1447,75 1577,50 1656,05 1712,45 1682,85 1693,82
Natural Sciences 643,00 682,00 705,25 746,50 773,50 843,00 819,00 871,48 773,75 765,52
Engineering and Technology 1020,50 1073,00 1173,25 1186,50 1402,75 1526,25 1533,65 1551,65 1472,02 1483,93
Medical and Health Sciences 481,75 497,00 572,75 632,00 771,50 904,75 978,10 1007,50 934,90 939,77
Agricultural Sciences 525,00 540,75 584,75 598,50 522,50 582,00 620,30 637,27 681,37 683,60
Social Sciences 1260,75 1347,75 1506,25 1710,50 1912,75 1989,55 2160,05 2291,17 2425,52 2557,93
Humanities 965,00 1060,50 1166,00 1280,50 1516,00 1786,00 1891,30 2062,87 2229,00 2338,08
Total 6153,00 6509,50 7092,50 7584,25 8346,75 9209,05 9658,45 10134,38 10199,40 10462,65

Source: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT Board, 19 March 2014.