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R&D Projects

Confirmed projects database queries

The information may be unavailable due to the results not being approved or confirmed. In particular, when a call includes regions where projects are cofunded by EC funds and others where that is not the case, confirmation or approval may be not simultaneous.

IA 4 OVID-19: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration to strengthen the fight against OVID 19 and future pandemics - 2020

Computer Sciences

    2020 AI 4 COVID-19: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in the Public Administration Evaluation Panel
  • Erik Mannens
  • George Magoulas
  • H. Scott Matthews
  • Gloria Bordogna

Impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on mobility, air pollution, health and macroeconomic indicators in Portugal: a Machine Learning Approach. Fernando Lobo Pereira, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FE/UP). €239,863.