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Digital Skills

We live in a digital world. Digital technology is part and parcel of every aspect of citizens’ lives: public, work and private. Making the most of the potential of digital technology requires acquiring new skills and life-long learning to keep up with constant new developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

The concept of "digital skills" is constantly evolving in line with the development of technology. It refers to a variety of skills with a wide scope of application. However, digital skills may be defined as (1) the capacity to use digital technologies, (2) the capacity to use these technologies specifically for work, study and the various activities related to the daily life, (3) the ability to critically evaluate digital technologies and (4) the motivation to participate in digital culture.

Today, the capacity of the industry and services to compete and evolve is increasingly dependent of innovative and effective use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

In this context, digital skills an improved societal framework for innovation, growth and creativity of the labour force.

Read more about the Portuguese Coalition for Digital Jobs on the FCT website.

External links:

European e-Competence Framework (e-CF)
Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs
eSkills for Jobs (Portuguese version; English version available soon)
Portuguese Coalition for Digital Jobs