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ERA-NET NORFACE is a partnership between twelve research organizations to increase co-operation in research and research policy in Europe. The twelve partners involved are the research organizations for the social sciences from Estonia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Canada and Austria participate in NORFACE as associate partners.
NORFACE is an ambitious programme of communication, enquiry, sharing of experience and action. Over the five project years, the partners will engage in a range of initiatives designed to deliver new levels of co-operative research policy and practice.
The plan of work follows a logical progression from putting governance and good management of the NORFACE network in place, to information exchange, analysis, research co-operation, strategic thinking and, finally, co-operation on two pilot programmes and the launch of a full scale transnational research programme.
Calls for transnational research projects are one of the main goals of the ERA-NETs, as a mechanism for validating the cooperative effort between the various funding agencies.
12th January 2016: Call Announcement.
30th March 2016 (13.00h CET): Deadline for submitting an Outline Proposal.
Please consult this webpage on a regular basis for possible news/updates.
The Call Announcement contains detailed information on Call topics, participating countries and funding commitments. Please consult the documents and the selected links available in the highlighted box.
The Programme will focus on the following themes:
1. Early life influences and outcomes; 2. Early adult transitions into
tertiary education, vocational training and economic activity; 3. Labour
market and family trajectories and the growth of inequality; 4. Labour market
participation in later life and retirement.
Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Irland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
Research teams from countries not participating in the Call may be part of a consortium on the condition that they provide their own funding (a statement of commitment/own funding proof must be attached to the submitted proposal).
1- Please consult the "Call Documents" available in the Call website.
2- Call eligibility rules are available in the Call Documents. For this specific Joint Transnational Call Portuguese applicants can only submit one (1) application, as Principal Investigator. Please check the "Documentos Nacionais" available on the highlighted area. Is highly recommended the awareness of the national regulations of the countries participating in your consortium. The inclusion of partners considered non-eligible by the agencies may lead to the rejection of the whole consortium.
3- Access the online submission platform in the website of the call, and proceed accordingly to the instructions.
4- Each Portuguese partner (or coordinator) has to send to the National Contact Point for the Call the Statement of Commitment (available on the highlighted area) stamped and duly signed by the Principal Investigator and by the Head of the Portuguese proponent Organization until 10 days after the deadline for the submission of the applications. FCT may latter require the original of the Statement of Commitment.
National funding commitment for the Call: 500.000 €
Maximum requested funding for a consortium coordinated by Portugal: 250.000 €
Maximum requested funding for a consortium with Portuguese participation: 150.000 €
Note: if more than one Portuguese institution participates in a given consortium, the budget has to be shared. Portuguese institutions must follow FCT's Legislation, Regulation and Norms. The dedication (FTE) in transnational projects is not taken into account for the 100% (FTE) dedication to national projects.