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Studentships and Fellowships


Before contacting FCT, thus, it is highly recommended that you read all the documents related to current Calls and to the management of Research Grants, namely the Research Fellowship Holder Statute and the FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships, which provide information on applicable rules and procedures.


In order to allow the screening of the incoming requests, there are different electronic addresses available

Depending on the subject, please choose use one of the following emails:
Generic information requested for research grants directly funded by FCT (where FCT is directly party to the grant contract).
Questions related to ongoing research grants.
The Subject of the mail must indicate (where applicable) the reference of the fellowship and the subject of the contact.
Questions within the scope of PhD Research Grants, directly funded by FCT, in funded areas through collaboration and partnership protocols, namely with the R&D Units.
Questions related to applications and forms in the scope of open Calls to fund PhD Research Grants.


Telephone (9:30 am to 3:30 pm, business days): +351 21 392 43 10

Note: Please give preference to email for contacting FCT.