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Calls of the National Network for Advanced Computing (RNCA)

The FCCN, FCT's National Scientific Computing Unit, promotes the development of the National Network for Advanced Computing (RNCA), coordinating national advanced computing resources, promoting cooperation between the various centres involved and developing national and international partnerships with other entities. In this context, regular calls are promoted to technologically support advanced computing projects in all scientific domains.

RNCA contact for information:






The PRACE Association - Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe - promotes collaboration and the use of High-Performance Computing (HPC) at the European level. Portuguese participation in PRACE is ensured by the University of Coimbra, with the support of the FCT. The PRACE calls only award advanced computing resources, with no financial subsidy.

National PRACE contact:

For more information on accessing PRACE's computing resources, see this page.

PRACE preparatory access - open cut-offs

EuroHPC Calls

EuroHPC Logo

EuroHPC is a Joint Technology Initiative established under Article 187 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union, involving the European Commission and Member and Associated States, and supported by the European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing (ETP4HPC) and the Big Data Value Association (BDVA). EuroHPC's objective is to contribute to putting the European Union at the forefront of high-performance computing technologies by supporting the development of exascale supercomputers.

For more information about EuroHPC, please see this page.

For more information on accessing EuroHPC's computing resources, see this page