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25 Years of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

1997 - 2022

The Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a programme consisting of a series of sessions, held in different cities, encouraging discussion on important topics for the future of science in Portugal and Europe. The sessions will be attended by personalities and representatives of the various dimensions of the construction of knowledge about science and technology in Portugal, in which FCT, over these last 25 years, as the national funding agency for scientific activity, has played an important role.

Latest News

12.07.2022 – Próxima sessão realiza-se dia 26 de julho e intitula-se "25 anos da FCT na Ciência: Ciência Aberta, Repositórios e Biblioteca On-line", a ter lugar na Universidade do Minho, Braga (programme and registration).
Online Streaming:

6th Session
"25 Years of FCT: Programas e Projetos de I&D" (Programme)
Day: 23 June
Schedule: 14h00 - 17h30
Location: Aula Magna da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real
Online Streaming:

5th Session
"25 Years of FCT: Women in Science" (Programme)
Day: 26 May
Schedule: 14h30 - 17h30
Location: Amphitheatre of Sessões Solenes - Polo I of University of Beira Interior (UBI), Covilhã.
Online Streaming:

Science 2022: Meeting with Science and Technology, on the 25th anniversary of FCT
16, 17 and 18 May, Lisboa
(Watch the video recordings of the sessions available in the Programme)

4th Session
"25 Years of FCT: Scientific Institutions" (programme | news)
Day: 27 April
Schedule: 09h30 - 17h30
Location: Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) - Universidade do Porto
Online Streaming:

3rd Session
"25 years of FCT: Scientific Employment and Scientific Careers (programme)
Day: 31 March
Schedule: 14h15 - 18h00
Location: Auditório da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Online Streaming:

2nd Session
"Session 25 years of FCT: Advanced Training and Doctorates" (programme)
Day: 3 March
Schedule: 10h30 - 18h00
Location: University of Aveiro
Online Streaming:

1st Session
“25 anos da FCT na Ciência: Oportunidades e Desafios” (programme)
14 January
14h30 - 17h30
Venue: Teatro Thalia, Lisboa
Online Streaming: