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Estágios Tecnológicos para Engenheiros Associados no CERN

Oportunidades de estágio - Chamada de Manifestação de Interesse de 2018

Para o concurso de 2018 estão disponíveis as oportunidades de estágio que a seguir se indicam.

NOTA: No formulário de candidatura deve registar o código de oportunidade (*) correspondente ao(s) estágio(s) a que pretende concorrer.

Código da oportunidade* Área de formação
CERN-EN9646 Software Engineer for upgrading the CERN electrical consumption monitoring tool
CERN-EN9804 Configuration Manager of CERN accelerators
CERN-EP1072 LHCb Experiment Control System
CERN-EP3866 Modeling studies for GEM chambers (CMS experiment)
CERN-EP4150 Engineering and prototyping of CMS Tracker mechanics
CERN-EP5434 Contribution to the Upgrade of the ALFA-AFP/ATLAS detector
CERN-EP5802 ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Detector Control System
CERN-EP5962 Ultra-light High-Field Superconducting Solenoids for Particle Detectors
CERN-EP9648 Automated modeling, management and monitoring for the LHCb experiment networks
CERN-EP9664 Cooling Engineer for CMS Experiment
CERN-EP9686 Low voltage powering of on-detector electronics for LHC experiments upgrades
CERN-EP9706 Development of timing detector, silicon based, with 30 ps time resolution for Atlas
CERN-EP9810 Continuous Delivery for the CernVM Software and Services
CERN-EP9826 Development of hybrid circuits for the CMS Tracker Upgrade
CERN-EP9844 Electronics engineer in instrumentation and readout electronics
CERN-EP9846 Front-end electronics development and test for the CMS HGCAL to run at HL-LHC
CERN-EP9848 Data acquisition, timing, trigger and control systems development and test for the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter
CERN-EP9884 Mechanical Engineer in design and analysis of lightweight components for silicon trackers
CERN-EP9886 Applications Engineer for the LpGBT project
CERN-EP9904 Characterization and Optimization of Avalanche Detectors for Precision Timing
CERN-HSE9866 Development of Data Analytics tools and infrastructure
CERN-IPT9784 Knowledge Transfer Trainee - Medical Application
CERN-IPT9786 Knowledge Transfer Trainee - Business Development
CERN-IT7664 Reusable research data analysis platform
CERN-IT9744 Prioritisation for Configuration Management
CERN-IT9746 Kibana and ElasticSearch plugins
CERN-IT9764 Automated detection of the degraded network links
CERN-IT9806 Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Clouds
CERN-IT9864 Indico - Open Source Software Development
CERN-TE7624 Transient effects in the superconducting circuits of the (HL)-LHC
CERN-TE9564 Software Development for Vacuum Controls - SCADA functions development
CERN-TE9604 Thin films coating
CERN-TE9624 Instrumentation and analogue electronics design for the test of high precision current measuring devices
CERN-TE9644 Development, tests and measurements of solid state pulse generators and fast pulsed systems