R&D Projects
Regulations governing access to funding for scientific research and
technological development projects — 2010 (with 2011 changes)
In its Program, the 18th Constitutional Government renews the Commitment to
Science and maintains as national priority the further scientific and
technological development of the country, defining new targets and
development indicators.
In order to achieve this objective, several measures are considered, among
which the enhancement of the R&D Projects Program and of strategic
projects supported by R&D Units and Associate Laboratories, evaluated
and selected in calls, by international panels of experts.
According to Art. 6, no. 4, of Decree-Law 125/99, the Associate
Laboratories were formally consulted about the text of these regulations.
These Regulations for Scientific Research and Technological Development
Projects update the previous version of the regulations for Scientific
Research and Technological Development Projects of November 2008 and also
include specific provisions concerning strategic projects supported by
R&D Units and Associate Laboratories and adapt them to the annual Calls
for projects in all scientific areas.
Article 1
- These Regulations set forth the general terms under which funding is
granted to scientific and technological research projects through the
Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), and, when eligible, co-funded by the
Fundo Europeu de
Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) through the Programa
Operacional Factores de Competitividade (POFC), in accordance with
the provisions of the
Regulamento de Execução do Sistema de Apoio a Entidades do Sistema
Científico e Tecnológico Nacional (Regulamento SAESCTN) for
co-funded projects.
- The System of Support for Entities belonging to the National Scientific
and Technological System under the POFC applies to the Convergence
Objective regions (North, Centre and Alentejo).
- These regulations apply to:
- SR&TD projects in all scientific areas;
- Strategic projects supported by Associate Laboratories
and R&D Units.
- The announcement of the opening of each call may define further
technical stipulations or limitations to the general terms set forth in
these Regulations.
Article 2
Recipient Entities
The following entities having legal authority to enter into contracts
may, either individually or jointly, submit proposals for funding of
the projects mentioned in Article 1, no. 3,
paragraph a) that are subject to these Regulations:
- Higher Education Institutions, their institutes and R&D
- Associate Laboratories;
- State Laboratories;
- Private non-profit institutions whose main objective is to carry
out S&T activities;
- Companies, provided they participate in projects
headed by public or private non-profit R&D institutions;
- Other public and private non-profit institutions which carry out or
participate in scientific research activities.
- R&D Units that have received in their latest evaluation Good or
above and whose team has a number of FTEs equivalent to or higher than 20 and
Associate Laboratories may apply for funding of the projects mentioned in
Art. 1, no. 3, paragraph b).
- The Principal Contractor (PC) is the recipient entity that proposes and
leads the project. In addition to coordinating the project, the Principal
Contractor is responsible for communicating with the FCT on behalf of all
the partners.
- The institutions mentioned in no. 1, paragraph
e) cannot serve as Principal Contractor, except when they are
integrated into European Community programs specifically intended for
- When various entities participate jointly in a project, the project
proposal must indicate which institution is responsible for each aspect of
the plan of activities and which institution is the Principal Contractor.
- The possible involvement of foreign institutions as partners in the
project shall not confer upon them the status of recipient entity with
funding, except when there is an international agreement or international
reciprocity mechanism, duly signed by the FCT, authorized by the higher
governing bodies and expressly indicated in the Announcement of the Call
for Proposals; these institutions may not be co-funded by the FEDER.
- In international cooperation projects, the figure of the Principal
Contractor does not exist, and all participating Portuguese institutions
shall communicate with the FCT individually.
Article 3
General Terms for admission and acceptance of projects
- A Principal Investigator (PI) must be named for each project, who will
be co-responsible, along with the PC, for the proposal and management of
the project and for the fulfillment of the proposed objectives and the
compliance with the regulations governing the funding award.
- For the projects mentioned in paragraph a) of no.3 of article 1, the PI
shall be dedicated to the project, according to the duration of the
proposed activities, at no less than 35% (FTE).
- For the projects mentioned in Article 1, no. 3,
paragraph a), the remaining members of the research team shall be
dedicated to the project, according to their participation, at no less than
15% (FTE).
- The Acceptance Agreement shall not be made available for signing for
any projects recommended for funding that would cause the respective PI or
any other member of the research team to exceed 100% (FTE) dedication after the beginning of the
project, when all the FCT-managed projects in which he/she is participating
are taken into account.
- Multiple applications of the same project shall not be
accepted in the following circumstances:
- In different scientific areas of the same call;
- In different calls where there is a temporal overlap in the
application reception periods;
- In the case of applications for calls of different thematic scopes
submitted in different application receipt periods, a recommendation
for funding of one of them shall exclude the others from the
decision-making process.
- Proposals that have been submitted in previous rounds of
the same call and for which the decision-making process is not yet
completed, shall not be accepted.
- Proposals whose PIs are in a situation of unjustified noncompliance
with the regulatory requirements with respect to submission of technical
reports from previous projects in which they were also PI shall not be
- Proposals whose PIs are in a situation of unjustified noncompliance
with the regulatory requirements with respect to submission of financial
reports or return of funds transferred to the PI relative to previous
projects with the same PI shall not be accepted.
- The Principal Contractors and participants must, at the time they sign
the Acceptance Agreement, show proof that they have no outstanding debts to
the Social Security System or the Tax Authorities or authorize the FCT to
access the respective information in order to verify these conditions.
- In the case of a proposal involving various entities, a protocol must
be signed between the parties funded by the FCT or using their own funding,
explicitly naming the PI and detailing the scope of cooperation between the
entities involved, how the joint responsibilities will be divided among the
parties, the duties and rights of the parties and, when applicable, any
questions regarding confidentiality, intellectual property and final
property of any equipment acquired or developed during the execution of the
- In the proposal phase, the recipient entities must agree to comply with
the applicable national and community norms, particularly as regards
competition, the environment, equal opportunity and gender, and public
contracting whenever applicable.
Article 4
Eligible and ineligible expenses
The following costs borne by the recipients and incurred exclusively in
the execution of the project are considered eligible:
- Human resources dedicated to SR&TD activities, including costs
of grant recipients and fixed-term contracts. The funding of grants
shall comply with the
norms for the award of grants in SR&TD projects for the
projects mentioned in Article 1, no. 3, paragraph
a) and with the norms for the award of grants
in SR&TD projects for the projects mentioned in Article 1, no. 3, paragraph b);
- Missions in Portugal and abroad directly related to the project;
- Consultants;
- Acquisition of goods and services and other current expenses
directly related to the execution of the project, and the intervention
of licensed auditors or accountants;
- Registration in Portugal and abroad of patents, copyrights, utility
models and designs, national models or brands associated with other
forms of intellectual property, namely fees, prior-art searches and
consultants’ fees;
- Adaptation of buildings and facilities when essential to carrying
out the project, in particular for environmental and safety questions,
provided that these costs do not exceed 10% of the total eligible cost
of the project;
- Acquisition of scientific and technical instruments essential to
the project and which shall remain attached to the project during the
period of its execution;
- Overheads based on the real costs incurred due to execution of the
project and which are imputable to it on a pro-rated basis according to
a fair and equitable method of calculation duly justified and
periodically reviewed, up to a limit of 20% of the eligible direct
costs of the corresponding participation in the project; the
methodology for clearing these charges may be replaced by the
application of a flat rate system, on the basis of the direct
expenditure resulting from the project, under conditions to be
determined by the Instituto Financeiro
para o Desenvolvimento Regional, IP (IFDR).
- In determining the amount of the eligible expenses to be co-paid, the
value added tax (VAT) is deducted whenever the recipient entity (proposing
or participating) is subject to this tax and may exercise their right to
the respective deduction.
- Eligibility of expenses is determined by their nature and whether they
are reasonable and comply with the applicable legislation.
- Only costs duly substantiated by invoices or equivalent documents under
the terms of Article 29 of the VAT Code and receipts or equivalent proofs
of payment can be funded; all tax requirements set forth in Article 36 of
the VAT Code must be met, and the rules governing public expenditures must
also be followed (whenever applicable).
- The Announcement of the Call for Proposals may limit the types of
eligible expenses referred to in point 1 of this article.
- Under no circumstances shall overfunding of proposals be allowed, and
eligible costs funded under these regulations cannot be the object of
funding by any other national or EU program.
- Expenses incurred prior to the project start date mentioned in the
Acceptance agreement shall not be considered eligible.
- In addition to the restrictions set forth in the Order of the Minister
for Environment, Land Planning and Regional Development no. 10/2009 of 24
September, transactions between entities participating in the project are
not eligible.
Article 5
- Applications shall be submitted after the public call for proposals is
announced on the FCT and Competitiveness Factors Thematic Operational
Programme websites.
- Applications must be submitted online through the FCT website by the
deadline indicated in the Announcement of the Call for Proposals.
- As all applications are evaluated by international evaluation panels,
the main components of the application must be submitted in English.
- A scanned copy of the Declaration of Commitment, in
accordance with the template provided for that purpose, must be submitted
online to FCT no later than 10 working days after the call is closed. FCT
may request the original document at a later date.
- The Declaration of Commitment must be signed and initialed by someone
who is legally authorized to bind the recipient organizations as well as by
the PI.
- The submission of the Declaration of Commitment within the established
timeframes and terms is the exclusive responsibility of the PI.
Article 6
Verification of admissibility and eligibility of applications
Verification of the formal admission requirements for the call, namely the
conformity of the Declaration of Commitment, the admissibility and
eligibility of the proposing entities and projects is done by the FCT
administrative services prior to beginning the evaluation and selection
Article 7
Evaluation and selection
- The evaluation is made by evaluation panels of independent national and
international specialists of recognized merit and competence.
- Each evaluation panel is set up for one call for proposals.
- No one who is responsible for, or involved in any program or project
submitting a proposal in the call for proposals, or who is responsible for
any proposing or participating organization, may serve on the evaluation
Article 8
Nomination of the members of evaluation and selection panels
- Members of the evaluation and selection panels shall be designated by
the FCT Board of Directors or by one of its members authorized to do so.
The list of experts who make up the panels shall be confirmed by the
Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education.
- The composition of the evaluation panels shall be published on the FCT
Article 9
Duties of the evaluation and selection panels
The evaluation and selection panels are charged with:
- When necessary, proposing the naming of national and
foreign experts to submit opinions regarding the proposals submitted,
in case of the projects mentioned in Article 1, no.
3, paragraph a);
- Determining whether projects are eligible under the terms set forth
in the Announcement of the Call for Proposals;
- Applying the approved selection and evaluation criteria and
notation tools;
- Selecting and ranking proposals to be funded;
- Recommending, with due justification, possible modifications to the
plan of work and the proposed budget for each proposal selected;
- Suggesting associations or collaboration between projects in order
to form larger teams with greater scientific capabilities, with the
necessary changes in the funding to be awarded, in case of the projects
mentioned in Article 1, no. 3, paragraph a);
- Writing up an evaluation for each project and an overall evaluation
report for the respective scientific area.
The experts referred to in paragraph a), no. 1 of
the current article, designated by the FCT based on the
recommendations of the evaluation panel, shall be Portuguese or foreign
individuals of recognized merit in the scientific areas of the
proposals to be evaluated, who shall be responsible for issuing the
expert opinions that are requested of them by the evaluation panels.
For the projects mentioned in Article 1, no. 3,
paragraph a), the evaluation panel for a project shall have access
to all the projects and all the proposals that the PI is involved in.
Article 10
Evaluation and selection criteria
The Announcement of the Call for Proposals establishes the conditions
of the Call and lists the criteria used to evaluate the proposals,
- Scientific merit and innovative nature of the project from an
international standpoint;
- Scientific merit of the research team;
- Feasibility of the plan of work and reasonableness of the budget;
- Contribution to the body of knowledge and competence of the
National Science and Technology System;
- Potential economic value of the technology (if appropriate).
Application of these evaluation criteria shall take into account, among
other considerations, the following:
- For criterion A:
- Relevance and originality of the project proposed (based on the
state-of-the-art in a determined scientific area and previous work
done by the proposing team);
- Methodology adopted for carrying out the project;
- Expected results and their contribution to scientific and
technological knowledge;
- Resulting publications and articles;
- Contribution towards promoting and disseminating science and
- Production of knowledge that can be incorporated into and
applied to the business sector, if applicable.
- For criterion B:
- Scientific productivity of the team (references to publications
and citations in published works, other relevant indicators);
- Abilities and skills to adequately execute the proposed project
(team configuration, Principal Investigator’s (PI) qualifications);
- Ability to involve young researchers in training;
- Availability of the team and non duplication of objectives in
relation to other projects underway;
- The degree of internationalization of the team;
- Degree of success in previous projects in relation to the
Principal Investigator (PI) (in the case of young PIs, this
requirement must be assessed based on the potential revealed by the
PIs curriculum vitae in the absence of prior concrete
- Level of commitment of any companies participating in the
project (if applicable).
- For criterion C:
- Organization of the project in terms of the proposed objectives
and resources (duration, equipment, size of the team, institutional
and management resources);
- Institutional resources of the proposing and participating
entities (technical-scientific, organizational and managerial and,
when appropriate, co-funding capacity on the part of companies).
- For criterion D:
- Contribution to the body of knowledge and competence of the
National Science and Technology System (expected effects and
- For criterion E:
- li>Potential economic value of the
technology (if appropriate), namely in terms of its impact on the
competitiveness of the national socio-economic system.
- In case of an equal positioning in the hierarchization among projects,
the existence of private and foreign funding shall be the preference
Article 11
Communication of results
- The FCT shall notify the PI and the PC of the proposed decision of
whether or not to fund the project and of the evaluation panel’s expert
opinion within 20 working days of receiving the expert opinions and reports
mentioned in paragraph g) of no. 1 of Article 9.
- In exceptional cases, the President of the FCT may decide to give the
notification mentioned in the previous number before the reception of all
the expert opinions.
- Under the terms of Article 100 and subsequent articles of
the Code of Administrative Procedure, for the purpose of Preliminary
Hearing, the PI may, if he/she so wishes and within 10 working days of
being notified of the proposed decision, comment the decision, responding
with any observations that he/she deems pertinent. These observations must
be submitted online on the FCT website.
- The PI who accepts the proposed decision will need to explicitly state
this fact on the FCT website together with any budget changes implied by a
budget smaller than originally proposed, during the period stated in
no. 3 .
Article 12
Analysis of Preliminary Hearing comments
- Any duly substantiated comments submitted by the PI
regarding the proposed decision during the Preliminary Hearing shall, in
case of administrative or procedural questions, be examined by the FCT.
- The FCT shall communicate the final decision on the results of the
preliminary hearing to the PI, after completion of the procedures mentioned
in article 14.
Article 13
- Any duly substantiated comments submitted by the PI regarding the
proposed decision shall, in case of scientific questions, be examined by
panels of independent experts. This reappraisal must explicitly be
requested online on the FCT website, together with any allegation under the
terms of Article 12.
- Members of the expert panels referred to under no. 1 shall be
designated by the FCT Board of Directors or by one of its members
authorized to do so. The list of experts who make up the panels shall be
approved by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education.
- The same restrictions that apply to members of evaluation panels as set
forth in these Regulations shall also apply to members of these panels.
- The panels of experts referred to in no. 1 are charged with analyzing
any observations of scientific nature that are submitted by the PI and
recommending to either uphold or modify the decision regarding approval and
funding as well as recommending, with due justification, changes to the
project or the funding awarded.
- The decision of the evaluation panel may be reversed in the event that
the existence of gross errors or negligence that were detrimental to the
proposing entities is confirmed.
- The expert committees shall also draw up a final report that includes,
in addition to the results, any criticism or recommendations that may
contribute to improving the evaluation system. Any situations of conflict
of interest that come to light during the expert panel’s intervention must
be identified in the final report.
- The FCT shall communicate the final decision on the results of the
reappraisal procedure to the PI, after completion of the procedures
mentioned in article 14.
Article 14
The funding decision-making process
- For applications not co-funded by the QREN, the FCT Board
of Directors, with the possibility to sub-delegate to its members, shall
submit its funding decision proposal, duly substantiated, to be approved by
the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education.
- In the case of applications co-funded by the POFC (QREN), the FCT Board
of Directors, with the possibility to sub-delegate to its members, shall
submit the decision proposals, duly substantiated, to the Minister of
Science, Technology and Higher Education and the Managing Authority of the
- The Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education
shall decide on the funding from the State budget and the Managing
Authority of the POFC shall decide on the funding from FEDER funds based on
the terms of the proposal referred to in the previous number.
Article 15
Acceptance agreement and project start date
- The PC and the PI shall be notified of the project funding decision by
the FCT within 15 working days after the final decision is known, under the
terms of Article 14.
- Once the notification of the funding decision has been
sent to the PC and the PI, and in situations that do not violate the
provisions of Article 3, the acceptance agreement must
be signed and initialed by someone legally authorized to bind the Principal
Contractor and the Participating Organizations, as well as by the Principal
Investigator and returned to the FCT within 20 working days; this deadline
may be extended for an equal length of time provided that the Principal
Contractor presents justifiable grounds to the FCT.
- Principal Contractors and Participating Organizations that
have not given their consent to access their tax and social security
records under the terms of Article 4 of Decree-Law 114/2007, of 19 April,
must show proof that they have no outstanding debts to the Social Security
System or the Tax Authorities until the date of signature of the acceptance
- If the duly signed acceptance agreement is not returned to the FCT by
the deadline referred to in number two for reasons imputable to the
Principal Contractor, the decision to award the funding shall expire.
- Project start dates shall be no later than 90 calendar days after the
PIs and PCs have been notified of the funding decision except in situations
duly justified to the FCT and by decision of the President of the FCT.
Article 16
Changes to projects
- It is the competence of the PC and the PI to make budget changes needed
for the proper concretization of the project, provided they respect the
funding approved and the upper bounds defined in no. 1 of article 4.
- Funding changes mentioned in the previous no. must be properly
identified in later reports to be submitted to FCT.
- FCT approval is required for significant changes to the scientific
team, funded institutions or project objectives, through a formal written
document containing detailed information to support the need for change.
- Requests to postpone the deadline for less than 12 months shall only be
permitted in exceptional and duly substantiated cases.
- Requests to postpone the deadline for more than 12 months in addition
to the initially approved duration will not be considered.
Article 17
- Advance payment of at least 15% of the approved funding for the project
shall be made to the PC once the respective Acceptance Agreement referred
to in no. 3 of Article 15 has been returned to the
- Payments shall be made to the PC as reimbursements for each list of
documented expenses, in amounts that will allow for a progressive reduction
of the amount of the advance payment referred to in no. 1.
- The remainder, up to the amount of funding approved, shall be paid in
the form of a final reimbursement once the scientific and financial
components of the project have been completed.
- Under no circumstances shall the sum of the payments exceed 95% of the
total funding approved before the project is completed.
- No payments can be made until it has been confirmed that the recipient
of the funding has no outstanding debts to the Social Security System and
the Tax Authorities.
- Payments made to companies, directly or through the Principal
Contractor, may not exceed 50% of the total cost of the company's
participation. During the course of the project, any companies involved
must submit proof of the total expenditure, both those funded through the
call and those borne by the company itself.
Article 18
Proof of expenses
- Proof of expenses shall be made by online submission of lists
identifying the expenses paid, using the form provided for this purpose on
the FCT website.
- With respect to overheads, if calculated based on the real costs
incurred, the corresponding expenses shall be justified based on the
description of the calculation method of assigning overheads for the
project and the breakdown key used.
- Lists of expenses to be submitted to the FCT should document a minimum
amount of expenditure paid totaling at least 10% of the total funding for
the project or 50,000 €. The last list of expenses is exempt from this
- The length of time between consecutive submissions of expense lists
should not exceed six months; this period shall be counted from the date
that Advance Payment is made at the start of the project.
- The last expense list should be submitted no later than 90 calendar
days after the conclusion date of the project. Upon that date, it shall be
deemed that lists of all expenditures made by the recipient entities have
already been submitted.
- Eligible expenses made by the recipient entities must be validated by a
licensed auditor or, in the case of payment claims with an eligible
expenditure of less than €200.000 or companies that are not subject to a
“legal certification of accounts”, recipients may select to have this
validation done by a licensed accountant, which will confirm that the
approved expenses were made, that the documents substantiating the expenses
have been correctly entered in the ledgers and that the financial support
has been properly accounted for under the terms of the applicable laws.
When the recipient entities are Public Administration entities, the
aforementioned certification may be carried out by the financial officer
authorized by the respective entity.
Article 19
Revocation of the funding decision
The decision to fund may be revoked by the FCT Board of Directors, with
the possibility to sub-delegate to its members, or by the Management
Authority of the POFC if co-funding was awarded under this program,
under the following circumstances:
- Noncompliance with the regulations or nonfulfillment of commitments
made which seriously jeopardizes achievement of the defined objectives,
for reasons imputable to the Principal Contractor or Participating
Organizations or the Principal Investigator, or for refusal to supply
information or any other relevant items that may be solicited;
- Noncompliance, for reasons imputable to the Principal Contractor or
Participating Organizations, with their respective legal and fiscal
- Giving of false information regarding the recipient’s
situation or falsification of data provided in the proposal, evaluation
and follow-up of the project.
- Duplication of a significant scientific component of
a project that is already funded following calls organized by the FCT,
with or without Community funding.
- Revocation of the funding decision shall imply cancellation of the
funding and subsequent obligation to repay the co-funding already received,
with the Principal Contractor being required to replace the amounts
received, plus any interest due, within 30 working days of receiving the
respective notification, in accordance with the terms of the Acceptance
- Should the funding decision be revoked for the reasons set forth in
paragraph c) of no. 1, the organization in question
shall be considered ineligible for support under the Support System for the
National Science and Technology System for a period of five years.
- Should the funding decision be revoked for the reasons set forth in
paragraph d) of no. 1, the Principal Investigator
shall be prevented from taking over the role of PI or team member of a
project for a period of two years.
Article 20
Progress reports and final reports
- PCs shall submit annual scientific progress reports and a final
scientific report on the FCT website for the purpose of follow-up and final
- Scientific progress reports to be submitted annually on the FCT website
shall briefly describe the work carried out, the results obtained and any
divergence from the work proposed or the budget approved.
- The final report of the scientific activity shall describe, in detail,
the work carried out during the period in question; any publications and
other results ensuing from the project should be itemized. Access to
publications and other results must be ensured by indicating the URL if
they have been published online and made available to the public, or on a
web server maintained by the project, or by transferring the files in pdf
format to FCT servers. The FCT may limit the volume and type of documents
that can be uploaded; the PI shall be responsible for selecting the most
important material and making the remaining work available through a
website if it exceeds this limit.
- Scientific progress reports and final reports must be submitted online
on the FCT website within 30 calendar days after completion of the
activities of each year of the project and after completion of the project,
- The final financial report, which is drawn up by the FCT based on the
expenses that were considered eligible during the course of the project and
made available online on the FCT website, must be validated by the PI
within 10 calendar days after it is made available.
- The reports referred to in the previous numbers may be examined by
follow-up committees set up for each scientific field; these committees may
recommend suspension or cancellation of the funding.
Article 21
Management verifications
- Projects are the object of management verifications carried out by the
FCT, or by entities designated by the FCT or by all entities legally
authorized to do so, in accordance with the applicable rules.
- Recipient entities are required to use a separate accounting system or
a suitable accounting code for all project-related transactions, in
accordance with current accounting standards.
- The original expense documents and receipts must be marked with an ink
stamp, the characteristics of which shall be defined by the FCT.
The project dossier shall contain the following items:
- Proposal submission form and respective appendices, including the
Declaration of Intention referred to in article 5,
no. 4;
- Notification of the decision to approve;
- Reformulation of the proposal data to reflect the evaluation panel
- Acceptance Agreement;
- Request for change to the decision to approve, if applicable;
- Document showing VAT status;
- Itemized expense lists and the original documents substantiating
- Documentation relative to publicizing the support received;
- Documents demonstrating compliance with the legal regime governing
public contracts, if applicable;
- Documentation relative to audits of the project.
- The technical-financial file must be kept up-to-date; delays of greater
than 60 days shall not be admissible.
After conclusion of the project, the respective dossier shall be kept
on file:
- for at least 10 years counting from the date of the last funding
decision awarded to the project under the terms of these Regulations;
- for projects co-funded by FEDER, in addition to the 10 years to be
counted from the date of the last funding decision awarded to the
project, the dossier must be kept until three years after
Competitiveness Factors Thematic Operational Programme is closed.
Article 22
Information and publicity
Recipient organizations must comply with the rules regarding information
and publicity, under the terms set forth by the FCT, in all work ensuing
from the project and on all equipment acquired.
Article 23
Supplementary rules
All other aspects not specifically addressed in these Regulations
governing access to funding for scientific research and technological
development projects and in the Operational Regulations governing the
Support System for the National Science and Technology System (
Regulamento de Execução do Sistema de Apoio a Entidades do Sistema
Científico e Tecnológico Nacional), for co-funded projects, shall be
subject to the provisions of the applicable European Community and national
Article 24
Date of entry into force
These regulations apply to the calls to be opened from 2 August 2010.
Published in the Diário da
República, 2nd series — no. 176 — September 9, 2010.
Changes in accordance with Aviso nº 8484/2011, published in
Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 68, April 6, 2011, and in
accordance with Aviso nº 16581/2011, published
in Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 163, August 25, 2011
(see Article 18).