Applying for Residence in Portugal

For Living in Portugal and Family Reunification

Article 116 – Residence Permit for holders of long-term residence status in another EU Member State
Documents Required

The application for residence title should be scheduled (via an electronic platform – to be implemented for holders of residence visas) and submitted personally on a standard form signed by the applicant or his/her legal representative. The application may be submitted at any SEF’s directorate or regional delegation, which, after proceedings and decision, will forward it to the directorate or regional delegation of the applicant’s area of residence. Necessary documentation as follows:

  • Two recent, identical photographs, in colour with blank background, and easily identifiable (only for appointments at Odivelas, Aveiro or Braga SEF bureau)
  • Passport or any other valid travel document
  • Evidence of sufficient means of subsistence, as per the provisions of Order number 1563/2007, of 11/12
    Evidence that the applicant has adequate accommodation
  • Labour contract, memorandum of association or service rendering contract, or
  • Document proving that the applicant has registered the commencement of trade with the inland revenue and with the social security as a natural person, or
  • Written evidence that the applicant has enrolled in an officially recognized higher education institution, or has been contracted by an officially recognized company providing professional training, or
  • Evidence of other relevant motives for taking up residence in national territory;
  • Where applicable, written statement issued by the respective professional association on the fulfilment of the conditions to become a member, or declaration confirming that the applicant holds the necessary qualifications to perform a certain profession, provided that profession is subject to certain qualifications in Portugal;
  • Long-term resident title, or an authenticated copy thereof;
  • Extract from the judicial record issued by the Member State that granted the long-term resident status.
  • Permission for SEF to check portuguese criminal record (except people under 16 years old)
  • Health insurance or evidence of being covered by the National Health Service
  • Residence Permit shall be granted to the family members that lived with the holder of residence permit in the Member State that granted the initial long-term residence status, of validity identical to the one granted to a long-term resident.
  • With the amendment introduced to article 75 of the Aliens Act, by article 192 of Act n.º 75-B/2020 of 31 december – State Budget to 2021 in force since 01/01/2021 and to 2021 –, the temporary residence permit for holders of the long-term resident in another Member State of the European Union is valid for two years [and not just one] from the date of issue of the corresponding title and renewable for successive periods of three years [and not just two].



ORDER NUMBER 1563/2007, OF 11/12