Renewing Residence in Portugal

Article 123-A – Renewing residence permit for holders, administrators or workers of companies established or with main or secondary head office in a State of the European Economic Area or in a State defined by the members of the Government relocated to the national territory
Documents Required

The application for the renewing of a residence permit shall be made on-line. It shall be delivered personally, on a standard form signed by the applicant or by his/her legal representative, if the applicant is a minor or legally disabled, and can be submitted in any SEF directorate or regional delegation, which may send it, after proceedings and decision, to the directorate or regional delegation of the applicant’s area of residence.

In case the recognition of the residence permit or the valid residence permit in the State party of the European Economic Area (or other to be defined) where the head office or main or secondary establishment of the company is placed has led to the issuance of a temporary residence permit, the applicantion shall submit followed by:

  • Two recent, identical photographs, in colour with blank background, and easily identifiable (only for appointments at Odivelas, Aveiro or Braga SEF bureau)
  • Residence Title valid, or expired in the previous 6 months
  • Passport or any other valid travel document
  • Evidence that the applicant has adequate accommodation
  • Documentary evidence of subsistence means by delivery of a copy of the contract of employment or declaration of the employer (of the relocated company) confirming the keeping of an employment relationship
  • Permission for SEF to check portuguese criminal record (except for under 16 years old)
  • Document proving the regularized applicant’s tax situation
  • Document proving the regularized applicant’s Social Security situation

In case the recognition of the residence permit or the valid residence permit in the State party of the European Economic Area (or other to be defined) where the head office or main or secondary establishment of the company is placed has led to the issuance of a permanent residence permit, the applicantion shall submit followed by:

  • Residence permit to be renewed;
  • Two recent, identical photographs, in colour with blank background, and easily identifiable (only for appointments at Odivelas, Aveiro or Braga SEF bureau)
  • Passport or any other valid travel document
  • Permission for SEF to check portuguese criminal record (except for under 16 years old)
  • The residence permit may not be renewed by public order or public security reasons
  • The residence permit of foreign nationals is renewed only when there is no conviction for imprisonment or imprisonment which, separately or cumulatively, exceeds one year even when in the case of condemnation for intentional crime provided in this diploma or within this context, or for a crime of terrorism, violent crime or specially violent crime or highly organised crime, its execution has been suspended
  • For any foreign national considered contumacious the residence permit is not renewed, until submission of evidence in which such declaration has expired
  • The residence permit of foreign nationals imprisoned can only be renewed provided its removal has not been decided
  • Once the foreign residence permit is recognised, a similar residence permit shall be issued valid within the national territory as follows: if temporary, with the amendment introduced to article 75 of the Aliens Act, by article 192 of Act n.º 75-B/2020 of 31 december – State Budget to 2021 in force since 01/01/2021 and to 2021 –, is valid for two years [and not just one] from the date of issue of the corresponding title and renewable for successive periods of three years [and not just two]; if permanent, is valid for five years under article 76 of the Aliens Act.
  • The application for renewing the residence permit may be submitted by the person concerned between 90 and 30 days previous to the expiry of the title
  • Residents shall communicate to SEF any changes in their marital status, or in their home address, within 60 days from the date those alterations occur
  • A receipt attesting submission of an application for renewal of a residence permit, replaces the Residence Permit, in all its effects, for a period of 60 days, renewable


ORDER NUMBER 1563/2007, OF 11/12