Applying for Residence in Portugal

For Living in Portugal and Family Reunification

Article 80 – Permanent Residence Permit
Documents Required

The application for the long-term resident status is submitted by scheduling, delivered in person on a model form duly signed by the applicant or his/her legal representative, and may be submitted by the person itself in any directorate or regional delegation of SEF, which can forward it, after assessment and decision, to the directorate or regional delegation of the applicant’s area of residence. It should be accompanied as follows:

  • Two identical passport photographs, in colour with blank background, updated and in favourable conditions for identification (in case the scheduling is to be held in a SEF bureau of Odivelas, Aveiro or Braga)
  • Valid travel document or a certified copy
  • Supporting evidence of stable and regular resources, sufficient for his/her own subsistence and his/her relatives, without resorting to the welfare subsystem, as provided in Order n.º 1563/2007, of 11/12
  • Supporting evidence of accommodation
  • Authorisation for consultation of the criminal record
  • Supporting evidence of compliance of tax obligations and to social security;
  • Holder of a temporary residence permit for at least five years
  • Supporting evidence of knowledge of basic Portuguese, by means of submitting the following:
    • Certificate of eligibility issued by an official Portuguese teaching establishment or private or corporative teaching establishment recognised by law, or
    • In case of a person having attended an official teaching establishment or private or corporative teaching establishment recognized by law in a Portuguese speaking country, by means of a certificate of eligibility issued by that teaching establishment, or
    • Certificate of completion of the course on Basic Portuguese issued by IEFP, or
    • Certificate of completion of the course on Basic Portuguese issued by an official teaching establishment or private or corporative teaching establishment recognized by law, or
    • Certificate of completion of Basic Portuguese, with the completion of a test in an Assessment Centre of Portuguese as foreign language (CAPLE), recognised by the Ministry of Education and Science; or, in addition
    • Certificate of completion of level A2, or higher, of the Course on Portuguese as Host Language (see attached form), promoted by public teaching establishments, by the direct and participated managing centres network of Instituto do Emprego e da Formação Profissional, I.P., and by Centros Qualifica network (or other public and private entities with proven experience in working with migrants, with which those entities or ACM. IP hold protocols), under Order n.º183/2020, of 5 August.
  • It is a condition for granting a permanent residence permit in the five years immediately preceding the application, applicants may not have been the object of custodial sentence (s) that individually or jointly exceed one year of imprisonment, even if, in case of sentencing for felonious crime set out in this legal framework, for crime of terrorism, for highly violent or highly organized crime, the enforcement of the sentence has been suspended;
  • To the citizens holding a residence permit for investment purposes and their family members, complying with the requirements provided in article 80 of the Aliens Act and wish to be granted with a permanent residence permit, a permanent residence permit for investment purposes shall be issued, exempt of the provided in article 85, n.ºs 2, 3 and 4, subparagraph b) of the same diploma (cancellation of the right due to absences from the national territory, see article 65-k of the Regulatory Decree 84/07 of 5/11, as amended). The residence permit for Permanent Investment is charged in a specific manner as per assessment and the issuance of the permit, see Order n.º 204/2020, of 24 August, amending Order n.º 1334-E/2010, of 31 December.
  • Without prejudice to as provided for the family reunification (article 107 of the Aliens Act) the permanent residence permit is issued for five years and has no validity. However, the residence permit must be renewed every five years or whenever changes in the identification elements registered occur.



ORDER NUMBER 1563/2007, OF 11/12