Applying for Residence in Portugal

Studying in Portugal

Article 91, 91-A and 97, n.º 2 – Communication of the professional activity – students in higher education
Documents Required

Under article 97, n.º 2 of the Aliens Law, students in higher education holding a residence permit issued/applied for in Portugal, or students in higher education holding a residence permit granted by the Member State of the European Union covered by a European Union or multilateral program with mobility measures or by an agreement between two or more higher education institutions, may carry out a professional activity (whenever their entry and stay has been authorised, see procedure for communication of mobility).

The communication/notification, when not submitted at the same time of the application or renewal of the permit, shall be sent by the applicant to the Directorate or Regional Delegation of SEF within the area of residence, preferably by e-mail (see contacts of SEF’s Public Service Bureaus) together with copies of the following:

  • Passport (biodata page);
  • Residence permit or the communication from SEF supporting the authorisation of stay in Portugal (for students in mobility);
  • Contract of employment; or
  • Service contracts of declaration of starting of an activity within tax administration (for the carry out of an independent professional activity);
  • Supporting proof of registration within social security.
  • The communication procedure may be done at SEF’s bureaus as when of the application or renewal of the residence permit for study (with an appointment for renewal/granting), in which the interest shall hold the documents ticked on, together with the documents concerning the application/renewal of the permit (see renewal of the temporary residence permit for higher education purposes).
  • The residence permit can be renewed. By means of the submission, by e-mail, of a communication of the professional activity and the meeting of the requirements defined by the Aliens Law, SEF sends a feedback to the interested on the compliance of the submission as defined in article 97, n.º 2, and in that the renewal of the permit shall be scheduled. The students in higher education in mobility less than 360 days, on the occasion of the authorisation of their stay in Portugal under article 91-A, in which they are waived from a residence permit in Portugal, the authorisation for the carry out of a professional activity, whenever applied for, is sent by e-mail.
  • Corresponding administrative offence: Article 198 of the Aliens Law (Carry out of an unauthorised independent professional activity).

The payment of the issuing fee of the certificate is due if the student in mobility applies for with certification of communication of the professional activity.
