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Studentships and Fellowships

2013 Call for PhD Studentships, PhD Studentships in Industry and Post-Doctoral fellowships

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21.01.2015 - Final results of the 2013 call. A total of 957 studentships and fellowships were awarded:


Considering that the Notice and the Evaluation Guide of the 2013 Call for Individual PhD Studentships, PhD Studentships in Industry and Post-doctoral Fellowships include criteria that require that applicants provide proof of obtaining the appropriate academic degree by "the end of the call", and, furthermore, that "the end of the call" is ambiguous and has raised several questions, FCT wishes to make the following clarification:

  1. All references to "end of the call" ("data de encerramento do concurso", in Portuguese) in the Notice of Call and Evaluation Guide are to be taken as referring to 31 December 2013.
  2. Consequently, all requirements for academic qualifications described in the Notice of Call and in any other documents related to this 2013 call, are considered to be met as long as taking place until 31 December 2013.

Lisbon, 6 August 2013
FCT Board

Purpose and Overview

With this call, FCT aims to support the best graduate investigators who wish to pursue research leading to a PhD degree, in any scientific domain, and the most creative post-doctoral researchers in pursuing cutting-edge research, in Portuguese or foreign research centres.

Post-doctoral Fellowships are available for PhD holders, to carry out advanced research projects. Fellowships have a maximum duration of six years, pending mid-term approval and available budget.

PhD Studentships support research projects of graduates who comply with the requirements to apply for PhD studies. Studentships have a maximum duration of four years, and minimum requirement of three consecutive months' award.

PhD Studentships in Industry support graduates who wish to carry out research projects leading to a PhD, in an industry setting. Studentships have a maximum duration of four years, and minimum requirement of three consecutive months' award.

Read the Notice of Call of this call.

Who can apply

Besides the general requirements above, specific eligibility criteria apply.

Applicants to PhD Studentships, including those in an industry setting should:

  • hold a pre-Bologna or equivalent degree, or a post-Bologna or equivalent Masters degree, at the time of call closing date;
  • have a grade of 14 or higher, from a first degree. Exceptionally, applicants may be first authors on an original, peer-review publication or manuscript that has been accepted for publication at the time of application closing date, or an equivalent indicator of scientific output;
  • Applicants that have been selected for PhD studentships in an FCT PhD Programme may not apply to this call.

Applicants to post-doctoral fellowships are required to have completed their PhD at the time of call closing date.

Further information on eligibility requirements may be found in the Notice of the Call and in the Regulations.

What's included

Selected applicants will be awarded monthly stipends and supplementary support which may include tuition fees, relocation costs, travel awards and health insurance, when applicable.

PhD Studentship and post-doctoral fellowship stipends and the specific complementary support that is awarded for each type of studentships/fellowship are detailed in the Regulations.

This call is supported by the national budget of the Ministry of Education and Science and, when applicable, by the Programa Operacional Potencial Humano (POPH), of the QREN framework, within the European Social Fund of the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7).

How and when to apply

The call for applications is open from 29 July 2013 to 17h00 (Lisbon time) on 23 September 2013.

Applications should be submitted online, via the dedicated platform. Only online applications will be accepted.

Only one proposal per applicant is allowed.

For further information please download the Application Guide (in Portuguese) and the Evaluation Guide (in Portuguese).


Proposals will be evaluated by independent reviewers, grouped in research area-specific evaluation panels. Applicants will be awarded grades, from 1 to 5, for each of the following criteria: merit of the applicant, quality of the work programme and quality of the host institution.

The information on this page does not replace or override any requirements set forth in the Regulations or the Notice of Call and the Regulations.