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14.12.2022 - A FCT divulgou os resultados finais do Concurso para a Atribuição de Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento Maria de Sousa 2021. (ver Notícia).
17.11.2022 - FCT anunciou os resultados provisórios do Concurso de Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento Maria de Sousa 2022. Foram atribuídas 10 bolsas. (ver Notícia).
03.10.2022 - Concurso de Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento Maria de Sousa – 2022 recebeu 42 candidaturas (ver Notícia).
01.09.2022 – Estão abertas até 29 de setembro as candidaturas ao Concurso de Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento Maria de Sousa - 2022. (ver Notícia)
17.08.2022 - Nota Informativa - Considerando a necessidade de privilegiar o reconhecimento do mais elevado mérito na formação avançada e na investigação financiadas através de fundos públicos, nacionais e europeus, espelhada na competitividade de que se revestem habitualmente os financiamentos FCT, e tendo em conta i) a disponibilidade orçamental atual e previsível, e ii) o número de candidaturas e bolsas atribuídas associado ao concurso de Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento Maria de Sousa 2021, dá-se conta que, por despacho de S.Exa. a Ministra da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, foi homologada a abertura de candidatura para um total de 10 (dez) Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento no âmbito da edição de 2022 deste concurso. Assim, e em consequência do referido despacho, determinou o Conselho Diretivo da FCT, I. P. que o parágrafo inicial do Aviso de Abertura de Concurso para atribuição de Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento Maria de Sousa 2022 passa a ter a seguinte redação: «A Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), em colaboração com a Agência de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica (AICIB), abre concurso para atribuição de 10 (dez) bolsas de investigação, adiante designadas por Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento, ao abrigo do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da FCT (RBI) e do Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação (EBI), nas suas atuais redações». Pode consultar aqui a versão integral do Aviso de Abertura na redação atual.
The Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), in collaboration with the Agência de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica (AICIB), announces the opening of the call for PhD Studentships – 2022 SEAGULL – Seeking Epidemiological and Virological Answers. The call is focused on the development of knowledge to create the skills required to answer to virologic phenomena, including pandemics, and that may translate into efficient prevention measures, better healthcare and an effective support to citizens.
The Call will support applications in any scientific field that contribute to the following objectives and areas of knowledge:
Within the scope of the Maria de Sousa Call for PhD Studentships – 2022, 10 PhD studentships will be awarded to fund the research activities that will grant the doctorate academic degree, framed within the scope of the Call, and that contribute to its objectives.
The research activities may be carried out in any environment of production and dissemination of knowledge, national or international.
The work plan may take place entirely or partially in a national institution (studentship in Portugal or both in Portugal and abroad, respectively), or be carried out entirely in a foreign institution (studentship abroad); in the latter case, it is necessary to clearly explain the reasons why the work plan will be exclusively performed abroad. In case of a studentship carried out both in Portugal and abroad, the work plan period in a foreign institution cannot exceed 24 months.
Portuguese citizens, citizens of EU member states and citizens from third-party states, stateless citizens and citizens beneficiaries of political refugee status may apply to this call.
Applicants need to:
Selected applicants will have monthly allowances and supplementary support, according to the rules established in the Regulation (RBI), which may include tuition fees, support for complementary training activities or presentation of work at scientific meetings, personal accident insurance and, when applicable, travel and relocation costs.
As a rule, studentships are annual, and can be renewed for the number of months for which they have been requested. No studentships are granted for periods of less than 3 consecutive months or more than 48 months.
Applications should be submitted online, using the respective application form, in MyFCT portal from September 1st 2022. Each applicant may submit only one application to the call.
Before application submission, FCT recommends the careful reading of the following documents: Notice of the Call, Annex I to the Notice of the Call (Evaluation Guide), Application Guide, Research Fellowship Holder Statute and the FCT Regulation for Students and Fellowships.
Proposals will be assessed by evaluation panels specifically set up for this call, involving experts of acknowledged experience and scientific merit. Applications will be graded using scores from 0 (0,000 minimum score) to 5 (5,000 maximum score), for each of the following three criteria:
The relative weights of three criteria are 40%, 40%, 20%, respectively.
The merit of the applicant will be evaluated based on two sub-criteria: academic career, with a relative weight of 50% and personal curriculum, also with a relative weight of 50%.
Applicant personal curriculum will be analysed in an integrated manner, considering a global view of scientific and professional achievements.
Assessment of the work plan and of the host institution conditions will be based on a duly substantiated assessment decision by the review panel.
Applications will be ranked according to the weighted average of the scores for each three criteria.
The information on this page does not replace or override any requirements set forth in the Regulation for Students and Fellowships, in the Notice of the Call and in the Evaluation and Application Guides applicable to the call.
The call is open from September 1st to 5:00 pm (Lisbon time) September 29th 2022.
Information about the call and application form should be requested, during the call period, through the e-mail address:
For clarification of doubts about the creation and management of CVs, the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform has a helpdesk that may be accessed through: