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The information may be unavailable due to the results not being approved or confirmed. In particular, when a call includes regions where projects are cofunded by EC funds and others where that is not the case, confirmation or approval may be not simultaneous.
Overcoming the challenges of recombinant adenoassociated virus production to treat Muscular dystrophy. Jose Escandell Planells, Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (IBET). €249,859.
Advancing the Regenerative and Translational Potential of Cellular Fibers. Mariana Braga de Oliveira, Universidade de Aveiro (UA). €249,136.
Harnessing endothelial plasticity for therapeutic vascularization of ischemic tissues: a bioengineering approach. Cristina Maria Santos Alves de Carvalho Barrias, Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde da Universidade do Porto - Associação (i3S). €249,916.