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FCT is a partner of the ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015, a project that will extend and strengthen the transnational cooperation on water research in the 5-year period of 2015-2020. It builds on the experience and results of the previous ERA-NET WaterWorks 2014 and Water JPI Pilot Call 2013, and will be implemented in close cooperation with the FACCE JPI. The consortium comprises 32 institutions from 23 European, Associated and non-European countries. Its international dimension will be directly translated into close collaboration with other relevant European and international initiatives.
16 February 2016: Call Launch.
19 April 2016 (17h00 CEST): Deadline for the submission of pre-proposals.
15 September 2016: Deadline for the submission of full-proposals.
Please consult this webpage on a regular basis for possible news/updates.
The Call Announcement contains detailed information on Call topics, participating countries and funding commitments. Please consult the documents and selected links available in the box on the right.
The Call addresses "Sustainable management of water resources in
agriculture, forestry and freshwater aquaculture sectors", and
comprises the following challenges:
i) Increasing the efficiency and resilience of water uses
ii) Monitoring and reducing soil and water pollution
iii) Integrating social and economic dimensions into the sustainable
management and governance of water resources
Belgium (French-speaking community), Belgium (Flanders), Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Moldova (Rep.), Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Tunisia, and Turkey.
Applicants from countries not participating in the call can be part of a consortium, as long as they are able to secure their own funding (It will be required to document the availability of their funds).
1- Please consult the Call Documents in the box on the right.
2- Consult the National Documents available in the box on the right. Also read the specific National funding regulations of all the participating countries involved in your consortium (including your own), available in the Call Announcement. Non-eligible partners may lead to the rejection of the whole consortium.
3- Access the online submission platform , and proceed according to your role.
4- Each Portuguese partner (or coordinator) has to send to the Call National Contact Point (Call Secretariat) a Statement of Commitment duly signed, dated and stamped by the Head of the Portuguese applicant organization and by the Principal Investigator, until 10 days after the submission deadline. FCT may later require the original of the statement of commitment.
National funding commitment for the call: 500.000 €
Maximum requested funding for a consortium coordinated by Portugal: 250.000 €
Maximum requested funding for a consortium with Portuguese participation: 150.000 €
Note: if more than one Portuguese institution participates in a given consortium, the budget has to be shared. Portuguese institutions must follow FCT's Legislation, Regulations and Norms . The dedication (FTE) in transnational projects is not taken into account for the 100% (FTE) dedication to national projects.