O Instituto de Informática tem por missão apoiar a definição das políticas e estratégias das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) do Ministério das Finanças e da Administração Pública (MFAP) e garantir o planeamento, concepção, execução e avaliação das iniciativas de informatização e actualização tecnológica dos respectivos serviços e organismos, assegurando uma gestão eficaz e racional dos recursos disponíveis.
Gestão de dados e Informação
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The Power of Information - Jun. 2007
279.3 kB
This is an unusual review in that it is a story of opportunities rather than problems. It
takes a practical look at the use and development of citizen and state-generated
information in the UK. For example, information produced by the government (often
referred to as ‘public sector information’) includes maps, heart surgery mortality
statistics and timetables, while information from citizens includes advice, product
reviews or even recipes.
Public sector information underpins a growing part of the economy and the amount is
increasing at a dramatic pace. The driver is the emergence of online tools that allow
people to use, re-use and create information in new ways. Public sector information
does not, however, cover personal information, such as credit record and medical
histories. This is the first review to explore the role of government in helping to
maximise the benefits for citizens from this new pattern of information creation and
Model for the Future of the e-GMS - Mar. 2005
50.0 kB
This document has been produced by the Cabinet Office e-Government Unit’s
Metadata Technical Working Group (MTWG) to provide a formal1 statement of its
recommendations for the future development of e-GMS2. The Model has been
approved by the Metadata Working Group. Comments on the Model should be
sent to govtalk@cabinet-office.x.si.gov.uk.
It describes a model for the development of the e-GMS. The model is intended to
provide a framework within which the following requirements can be met:
• Clear expression of the scope and usage of the e-GMS;
• Clarification of the internal consistency of the e-GMS;
• Clarification of the e-GMS's relationship with other standards (notably Dublin
• Continuity with e-GMS 3.0 (to the extent that this is coherent with the above).
The intention is that this model will be used for versions of e-GMS from version 4
onwards. This will require further detailed guidance, which will be developed by
the MTWG.
Metadata and interoperability presentations - Fev. 2005
2.0 MB
Government of Canada Metadata Implementation Guide for Web Resources - 3rd edition - Jul. 2004
894.3 kB
A Guide to ICT Sourcing for Australian Government Agencies - Mai. 2004
932.2 kB
This is a guide to effective practices for Australian Government agencies that are dealing with information and communication technology (ICT) sourcing issues. It was developed in response to a demand from agencies, recognised by the Information Management Strategy Committee (IMSC) and the Chief Information Officer Committee (CIOC), for clear and objective information about ICT sourcing.
This is not a policy document or rule book. It is a guide that provides options and strategies for decision-making about ICT sourcing. It describes how agencies might manage ICT sourcing based on a four-phase lifecycle, which starts with a decision about whether to change the current sourcing strategy and concludes with an approach for transitioning to, and managing, a new sourcing solution.
e-Government Metadata Standard - Version 3.0 - Abr. 2004
628.8 kB
Joined-up government needs joined-up information systems. The e-Government Metadata
Standard (e-GMS) lays down the elements, refinements and encoding schemes to be used by
government officers when creating metadata for their information resources or designing
search interfaces for information systems. The e-GMS is needed to ensure maximum
consistency of metadata across public sector organisations.
NZGLS Metadata Element Set - Version 2.1 - Mar. 2004
172.6 kB
The New Zealand Government Locator Service (NZGLS) Metadata Element Set provides a set of metadata elements designed to improve the discovery, visibility, accessibility and interoperability of online information and services.
The development objective of the NZGLS working group was to define a set of metadata elements that would improve the discovery of New Zealand government information and services. The elements would be accessible through standard web-based resource descriptions that would enable users to locate the information or service that they require.
Freedom of Information (Scotland Act 2002) - Code of Practice on Records Management - Nov. 2002
143.4 kB
Part One of this Code of Practice (‘the Code’) provides guidance to all
Scottish public authorities (as defined in section 3(1) of the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002 (‘the Act’)) as to the practice which it would, in the opinion of the
Scottish Ministers, be desirable for them to follow in connection with the keeping,
management and destruction of their records. Part Two of the Code describes the
particular arrangements which apply to those authorities which transfer records to
the Keeper of the Records of Scotland at the National Archives of Scotland (NAS)
and Part Three describes the arrangements for those authorities which transfer
records to public archives other than NAS.
SWEBOK - Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge - Mai. 2001
1.3 MB
A UK e-Government Metadata Framework - Abr. 2000
101.8 kB
Metadata is structured data about data. In the context of the development of UK e-government
portal services, metadata is crucial. Metadata will underpin much of the functionality that a portal
will deliver. Portal-type services effectively bring descriptions of documents, collections, services,
people, organisations and other resources together with the particular needs of an end-user and use
that information to broker access to a subset of the network services available to that user in the
government sphere.
Selection Criteria for the Catalogue of Data Sources - 1998
220.0 kB
Metainformation1 for the EEA metadatabase (hereinafter CDS2), discussed in this report, are
descriptions of written reports, magazine articles, CD-ROMs, maps, data files, databases, WEB pages
and the EIONET directory. The objective for the CDS is to provide the European environmental
community with relevant metainformation at European level. A common understanding that there
should be a core set of metainformation available on the CDS may be discerned among the actors on
the EIONET3scene. This report presents criteria on how to select that metainformation.