Bibtex - How Are Web Characteristics Evolving
Bibtex - How Are Web Characteristics Evolving
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@inproceedings{miranda2009characteristics, title = {{H}ow {A}re {W}eb {C}haracteristics {E}volving?}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, author = {Jo{\~a}o Miranda and Daniel Gomes}, booktitle = {HT '09: Proceedings of the Twentieth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia}, publisher = {ACM}, year = 2009, month = {July}, abstract = {The Web is a hypertextual environment in permanent evolution. There are new technologies and Web publishing behaviors emerging everyday. This study presents trends on the evolution of the Web, derived from the comparison of two characterizations of a web portion performed within a 5 year interval. The Portuguese Web was used as a case study. Several metrics regarding content and site characteristics were analyzed.}, biburl = {}, keywords = {characterization ht2009 measurements poster pp142 trends web}, session = {Poster}, paperid = {pp142} }