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Project proposals for Research & Development activities are now available in English

The Portuguese Web Archive aims to cooperate with Research and Development organizations interested in participating in innovative activities. This list presents project proposals with an estimated duration of 1 year. New project proposals presented by R&D organizations are welcome.

The main purpose of the presented proposals is to enable quality research work based on the archived content held by the Portuguese Web Archive.

Researchers can take advantage of:

  • The computing cluster composed by 49 servers (392 cores, 1 TB of memory);
  • Historical data from 1996 to 2010 (630 million contents);
  • Expertise exchange, our team is composed by specialists in several areas, such as Information Retrieval or Web Crawling.

The coordination of the research work will be done by the R&D organizations in collaboration with the PWA team.

Notice: these collaboration proposals between organizations are not jobs offers.


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