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Other ways to collaborate

Suggestions on how to contribute to the success of the Portuguese Web Archive project

This project aims to serve primarily the Portuguese community, but knowledge preservation for future generations is a valuable contribution to all mankind. Everyone can contribute to its success by:

  • Reporting errors detected in the system's functioning. It is first necessary to detect an error to enable its correction by our team. Users are the best testers;
  • Reporting difficulties in using the system. The Web Archive is intended to be used by everyone, regardless of age, education or computer expertise. If you have experienced any difficulty in using any of the Portuguese Web Archive systems please let us know so we can improve it;
  • Reporting misspellings in our pages or doubts that arose when you read them. The clearer our texts are, the most useful our pages will be. A misspelled word just need to be corrected once to prevent it from being read many times;
  • Suggesting new features. The world is constantly changing as well as people needs. Give us ideas for new features to include in the Web Archive;
  • Suggesting new pages. We tried to include as much information as possible about the project. However, it may have not been enough. Give us suggestions for additional information you would like to get;
  • Promoting the project. A service is only useful if someone uses it. But to be used it has to be known. If you believe in our project, promote it through e-mail, links in web pages or web forums;
  • Proposing scientific-technological partnerships. Archiving and preserving the web is an ambitious task that requires constant evolution. Partnerships proposals are welcome.  

In short, evaluate, criticize and suggest. The positive comments encourage us, the negative ones help us to detect errors and improve our service.

Please feel free to contact us.

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