Ferramentas Pessoais


O Instituto de Informática  tem por missão apoiar a definição das políticas e estratégias das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) do Ministério das Finanças e da Administração Pública (MFAP) e garantir o planeamento, concepção, execução e avaliação das iniciativas de informatização e actualização tecnológica dos respectivos serviços e organismos, assegurando uma gestão eficaz e racional dos recursos disponíveis.

A Entidade de Serviços Partilhados da Administração Pública, I.P. (eSPap), cuja criação foi concretizada através do Decreto-Lei n.º 117-A/2012, de 14 de junho, assume a missão e atribuições do anterior Instituto de Informática, extinto por fusão. www.espap.pt


IT Governance

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Information Technology Strategic Planning: A Well Developed Framework is Essential to Support the Library´s Current and Future IT Needs Report nº 2008-PA-105 - Abr. 2009 File 3.0 MB
ITIL V3: Tackling the beast - 20 Fev. 2008 File 98.9 kB
Top 10 things IT managers should know about implementing ITIL - 01 Dez. 2007 File 105.6 kB
Comparing E-Government vs. E-Governance - Jun. 2006 File 36.5 kB
The road to IT Governance Excellence - Jun. 2006 File 536.7 kB
Framework to Reinforce the Exchange of Good Practices in eGovernment - A contribution to eEurope 2005 - Abr. 2004 File 42.9 kB
Knowledge Management: Best Practices for Service and Support - Out. 2003 File 78.6 kB
Programme for Open Standards and Open Source Software in Government (OSSOS) - Nov. 2002 File 686.3 kB
Users of software are highly dependent on their software suppliers. This dependence is reflected in the obligatory implementation of new versions, the obligatory purchase of new hardware, the unilateral alteration of licence conditions and the termination of maintenance agreements. These are just a few examples of practices that adversely affect organisations throughout the public sector from education and care to population records.
Java™ Standards - 2002 File 414.9 kB
This paper discusses methods of performing authorization on Java, with particular emphasis on authorization within servers of requests made by remote users. This is the type of authorization provided by Entegrity AssureAccess and other access management products. In distributed environments, it is difficult to protect resources on client systems. Therefore the general practice is to concentrate them in servers. Authorization in non-server contexts tends to be useful in two cases: applets and imbedded systems where the OS does not provide access control.

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