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O Instituto de Informática  tem por missão apoiar a definição das políticas e estratégias das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) do Ministério das Finanças e da Administração Pública (MFAP) e garantir o planeamento, concepção, execução e avaliação das iniciativas de informatização e actualização tecnológica dos respectivos serviços e organismos, assegurando uma gestão eficaz e racional dos recursos disponíveis.

A Entidade de Serviços Partilhados da Administração Pública, I.P. (eSPap), cuja criação foi concretizada através do Decreto-Lei n.º 117-A/2012, de 14 de junho, assume a missão e atribuições do anterior Instituto de Informática, extinto por fusão. www.espap.pt

Entrada Serviços de TI Informação e Documentação Biblioteca Digital Infraestrutura Tecnológica

Infraestrutura Tecnológica

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Aumentar a produtividade - Office 2010 - Jan. 2010 File 570.6 kB
Com o lançamento da versão Beta do futuro Office 2010, a Microsoft tenta assim demonstrar a todos que, brevemente, vão ter acesso as melhores ferramentas do mercado para aumentar a sua produtividade.
Briefing Paper for the ICCP Technology Foresight Forum: Cloud Computing and Public Policy - Out. 2009 File 228.2 kB
Windows 7 - Out. 2009 File 1.8 MB
Artigo publicado na revista "Exame Informática" Nº 172 - Ano 14 - Outubro 2009 (cópia autorizada pelo Editor).
E-Communications Household Survey - Jun. 2008 File 6.9 MB
Since the full opening of EU electronic communication markets in 1998, the consumption of services by European households and individuals has evolved considerably. Driven by technological progress and competition, fixed and wireless network operators are upgrading existing infrastructures to enable higher data speeds and the delivery of converged products. In the light of this, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media regularly carries out opinion surveys, to keep abreast of consumers of telecommunication products and to assess how they benefit from the liberalisation of the market, a key objective of the EU’s regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services1.
The Future of the Internet: A Compendium of European Projects on ICT Research Supported by the 7th Framework Programme for RTD - 2008 File 2.0 MB
Th e Internet world as we know it today has undergone farreaching changes since its early days while becoming a critical communications infrastructure underpinning our economic performance and social welfare. With more than 1 billion users world-wide today the Internet is poised to become a fully pervasive infrastructure providing anywhere, anytime connectivity. With the further deployment of wireless technologies, the number of users of the Internet is expected to jump to some 4 billion in a matter of few years. As the Internet extends its reach and serves an ever growing population of users and intelligent devices, new innovative services are introduced, demanding an environment which supports innovation, creativity and economic growth. In the i2010 policy framework the European Commission acknowledges and reaffi rms its support to the openness, interoperability and end-to-end principles governing the Internet. At the same time, it is anticipated that the current Internet may in the long term not be fully capable of supporting the ever larger set of usages, constraints and requirements that it will have to face as it further penetrates our immediate surroundings and environment. Th e issue of a “Future Internet” is hence attracting more and more attention and other regions in the world have already launched strategic exploratory initiatives in this field.
E-Communications Household Survey - Abr.2007 File 5.8 MB
Since the full opening of EU electronic communications markets in 1998, the consumption of services by European households and individuals has considerably evolved. Driven by technological progress and competition, fixed and wireless network operators are upgrading existing infrastructures to enable higher data speeds and delivery of converged products.
Availability and Robustness of Electronic Communications Infrastructures - "The Areci Study" - Mar.2007 File 2.2 MB
The Study on Availability and Robustness of Electronic Communications Infrastructures (ARECI) was conducted for the European Commission. This Final Report of the ARECI Study presents ten Recommendations to European Institutions, Member States and Private Sector stakeholders. These Recommendations, if implemented, will significantly enhance the availability and robustness of Europe’s communications networks.
Availability and Robustness of Electronic Communications Infrastructures - "The Areci Study": Anexo 1 - Mar.2007 File 826.5 kB
Availability and Robustness of Electronic Communications Infrastructures - "The Areci Study":Anexo 2 - Mar.2007 File 6.2 MB
E-Communications Household Survey - Nov-Dez.2006 File 2.5 MB
Since the full opening of EU electronic communications markets in 1998, the consumption of services by European households and individuals has considerably evolved. Driven by technological progress and competition, fixed and wireless network operators are upgrading existing infrastructures to enable higher data speeds and delivery of converged products.
2005 Database Report: OnLine Analytical Processing and the Virtual Operational Store - Sixth Edition - Jun. 2005 File 744.5 kB
Migration Guide - A guide to migrating the basic software components on server and workstation computers - Jul. 2003 File 3.2 MB
JMS Cache Management for Web Performance - Abr. 2002 File 157.3 kB
Entegrity Solutions® Whitepaper - Technical Overview - 2002 File 668.1 kB
Innobarometer 2002 - 2002 File 1.4 MB

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