Curriculum Vitae


Data da última atualização »Last update : 21/02/2013

Since obtaining the PhD degree published 06 industrial patents (in which 3 as main Inventor), 27 papers in international peer review high impact factor journals (an accumulated Impact factor 66 with over 270 citations). In which 7 of the 28 papers were published independently published as a senior author. Moreover, 19 papers have been presented in International conferences, among them 13 as oral communications. In years 2004 & 08, I have received, FCT, Portugal, Postdoctoral fellowship based on research proposals. The research was associated with Prof. AJL Pombeiro, Centro de Quimica, Istituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon. Year 2008, has won the “Auxiliary Investigator” position under “Ciência 2007” FCT program at CQ-VR, University of Tras os Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real, Portugal. In year 2010 and 2001, have received 2 independent research projects (3 years duration each) as Principal Investigator. Currently one FCT project (PTDC-QUE-ERQ-110825-2009) is running (2011-14) and supervising two master’s students in this project. Another “Young Scientists” project (SR/FTP/CS-04/2000) was received form Department of Science & Technology, India. During this period (2001-04), have co-guided two Ph.D. students, one master student and published 14 papers and 9 proceedings in congress.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Exactas-Química.
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Engenharia Química.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Centro de Química
Materials Chemistry Group
Centro de Quimica, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Vial Real
5000-801 Vila Real
Telefone: (+351)2592350Extensão: 2286
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
1992-1997 Doutoramento
Polymerization (5 anos » years) .
Harcourt Butler Technological Institute (HBTI), Kanpur-208002, India, Índia.

1987-1989 Mestrado
Master degree
Master of Science (2 anos » years) .
Kanpur University, Kanpur, India, Índia.
Com o tipo » With the type: Reconhecimento » Acknowledgement.

Línguas (Languages)
Inglês (Bem), Português (Bem).
Inglês (Bem), Português (Bem).

Inglês (Bem), Português (Bem).
Inglês (Bem), Português (Bem).

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2001 Young Scientist Award, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India.
2004 Postdoctoral fellowship , Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal.
2007 Postdoctoral Felloship, Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal.
1998 Research Associate fellowship , Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India.
2008 Auxiliary Researcher , FCT, Portugal...Working at UTAD University, Vila Real, Portugal .

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. MISHRA, GOPAL S; Kumar, A.. 2005. "Preparation of carbamate modified alumina supported heterobinuclear macrocyclic cobalt/vanadium complex for n-octane oxidation reaction", Indian Journal of Chemistry: Sec. B 44, 2: 349 - 355.
2. MISHRA, GOPAL S; Kumar, Anil; Kumar, Amit. 2004. "[1,2-bis(salicylideneamino)phenylene]cobalt(II) complex supported on carbamate modified silica gel as a reformation catalyst for n-hexane", Indian Journal of Chemistry: Sec. B 437, 7: 1487 - 1492.
3. MISHRA, GOPAL S; Srivastava, A. K. 1999. "Application of 1,2- dipolar compounds as a modifier for polyaddition of bisphenol- A", Asian Journal of Chemistry 14, X: 319 - 327.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Mishra, Gopal S; Kumar, Anil. 2012. "Hydroisomerization of saturated hydrocarbons with novel MCM-41 immobilized Re(V) complex catalysts", Applied Catalysis A: General 429, 230: 1 - 8.
2. Mishra, Gopal S; Kumar, Anil; Tavares, Pedro B. 2012. "Single site anchored novel Cu(II) catalysts for selective liquid–gas phase O2 oxidation of n-alkanes", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 357, 2: 125 - 132.
3. Mishra, Gopal S; Kumar, Anil. 2011. "Immobilized Pd complexes over MCM-41 as supported catalysts for effective reformation of hydrocarbons", Catalysis Science & Technology 1, 7: 1224 - 1224.
4. Silva, Telma F; Guedes da S. M. F; Mishra, Gopal S; Martins, Luísa M; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2011. "Synthesis and structural characterization of iron complexes with 2,2,2-tris(1-pyrazolyl)ethanol ligands: Application in the peroxidative oxidation of cyclohexane under mild conditions", Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 696, 6: 1310 - 1318.
5. Mishra, Gopal S; Kumar, Anil. 2010. "Selective functionalization of n-hexane with molecular O2 catalyzed by immobilized Cu/Co, Cu/Fe and Co/V complexes on modified Al2O3", Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 102, 1: 165 - 181.
6. Mishra, Gopal S; Kumar, Anil; Mukhopadhyay, Suman; Tavares, Pedro B. 2010. "Novel alkoxysilane pentacoordinate OV(IV) complexes as supported catalysts for cyclohexane oxidation with dioxygen", Applied Catalysis A: General 384, 1-2: 136 - 146.
7. Silva, Telma F. S; Mishra, Gopal S; Guedes da S. M. F; Wanke, Riccardo; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2009. "CuII complexes bearing the 2,2,2-tris(1-pyrazolyl)ethanol or 2,2,2-tris(1-pyrazolyl)ethyl methanesulfonate scorpionates. X-Ray structural characterization and application in the mild catalytic peroxidative oxidation of cyclohexane", Dalton Transactions, 42: 9207 - 9207.
8. Mishra, Gopal S; Silva, Telma F. S; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2009. "Scorpionate complexes of vanadium(III or IV) as catalyst precursors for solvent-free cyclohexane oxidation with dioxygen", Pure and Applied Chemistry 81, 7: 1217 - 1227.
9. Mishra, Gopal S; Sinha, Shishir. 2008. "Oxidation of Cyclohexane with Molecular Oxygen Catalyzed by SiO2 Supported Palladium Catalysts", Catalysis Letters 125, 1-2: 139 - 144.
10. Mishra, Gopal S; Alegria, Elisabete C; Martins, Luísa M; Fraústo da S. J. J; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2008. "Cyclohexane oxidation with dioxygen catalyzed by supported pyrazole rhenium complexes", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 285, 1-2: 92 - 100.
11. Shul’pin, Georgiy B; Mishra, Gopal S; Shul’pina, Lidia S; Strelkova, Tatyana V; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2007. "Oxidation of hydrocarbons with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by maltolato vanadium complexes covalently bonded to silica gel", Catalysis Communications 8, 10: 1516 - 1520.
12. Mishra, Gopal S; Fraústo da S. J. J; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2007. "Supported bis(maltolato)oxovanadium complexes as catalysts for cyclopentane and cyclooctane oxidations with dioxygen", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 265, 1-2: 59 - 69.
13. Mishra, Gopal S; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2006. "Oxyfunctionalization of n-pentane and n-hexane by oxovanadium complexes supported on carbamated modified silica gel", Applied Catalysis A: General 304, 1: 185 - 194.
14. Mishra, Gopal S; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2005. "Selective single-pot oxidation of cyclohexane by molecular oxygen in presence of bis(maltolato)oxovanadium complexes covalently bonded to carbamated modified silica gel", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 239, 1-2: 96 - 102.
15. Kishore, M. J. L; Mishra, G.S.; Kumar, Anil. 2005. "Synthesis of hetero binuclear macrocyclic CoV complex bonded to chemically modified alumina support for oxidation of cyclohexane using oxygen", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 230, 1-2: 35 - 42.
16. Mishra, G. S; Kumar, A.. 2004. " Selective Oxidation of Linear Alkanes by a Schiff Base Ligand [1,4-bis(Salicylidene Amino)-Phenylene] Vanadium (VO 2+ ) Complex Bonded on Modified Silica Gel Support 1 ", Kinetics and Catalysis 45, 3: 394 - 399.
17. Kishore, M.Jhansi L; Mishra, G.S.; Kumar, Anil. 2004. "An alumina-supported homonuclear macrocyclic zirconium complex for reformation of n-hexane", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 216, 1: 157 - 163.
18. Anisia, K.S; Mishra, G.S.; Kumar, Anil. 2004. "Reforming of n-hexane in presence of [1,2-bis(salicylidene amino)-phenylene]–zirconium complex chemically bound on modified silica gel support", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 215, 1-2: 121 - 128.
19. Kumar, Amit; Kumar, Anil; Mishra, G.S.. 2003. "Covalantly bonded Schiff base cobalt complex catalyst for the selective oxidation of linear alkanes using molecular oxygen", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 201, 1-2: 179 - 188.
20. Mishra, G.S.; Kumar, A.. 2003. "Silica gel supported [1,4-bis(salicylidene amino)-phenylene] vanadium oxo complex catalyst for the oxidation of n-heptane using molecular oxygen", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 192, 1-2: 275 - 280.
21. Mishra, Gopal S; Kumar, Anil. 2003. " Liquid phase oxidation of n-octane catalyzed by silica gel supported vanadium (VO 2+ ) complex using molecular oxygen ", Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 80, 2: 223 - 231.
22. Kumar, Amit; Mishra, Gopal S; Kumar, Anil. 2003. "Catalytic oxidation of cyclohexane with molecular oxygen using schiff base chemically bonded cobalt(II) complex on modified silica gel support", Transition Metal Chemistry 28, 8: 913 - 917.
23. Mishra, G.S.; Kumar, A.. 2002. "Preparation of heterogeneous vanadium (VO2+) catalyst for selective hydroxylation of cyclohexane by molecular oxygen", Catalysis Letters 81, 1/2: 113 - 117.
24. Mishra, G. S; Srivastava, A. K. 1997. "Effect of Imidazolium-p-Chloro-phenacylide on Properties of Semi-interpenetrating Polymer Network from Poly(zinc acrylate) and Poly(styrene-co-methylmethacrylate)", Polymer International 42, 3: 281 - 288.

Processo sem registo ou patente
Process without patent or official record
1. MISHRA, GOPAL S; Kumar, A.; Tavares, Pedro B. New hybrid vanadium catalysts used in selective cycloalkane oxidation processes for producing cyclic alcohols and ketones, preferably cyclopentane or cyclohexane,2011.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro;Natureza do processo ou técnica: Processual.
2. MISHRA, GOPAL S; Tavares, Pedro B; Kumar, Anil. New hybrid vanadium catalysts and there uses for selective oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone,2010.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro;Natureza do processo ou técnica: Terapêutica.
3. MISHRA, GOPAL S; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Guedes da S. M. F; Pombeiro, Armando J; Silva, Telma F. S; Wanke, Riccardo. Copper trispyrazolylborate ligand for use as catalysts in peroxide oxidation of cyclohexane, cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol, comprises functionalized trispyrazolyl methane in aqueous medium.,2009.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro;Natureza do processo ou técnica: Processual.
4. MISHRA, GOPAL S; Pombeiro, Armando J; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Silva, Telma F. S. Vanadium chloro-complex for partial oxidation of cyclohexane, comprises dioxygen and solvents i.e. trihedral (parasol) methane,2008.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro.
5. MISHRA, GOPAL S; Pombeiro, Armando J; Martins, Luísa M; Alegria, Elisabete C. Re complexes supported on functionalized silica for catalysis of n-hexane and cyclohexane with dioxygen under mild conditions,2008.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro;Natureza do processo ou técnica: Processual.

Trabalho técnico
Technical work
1. MISHRA, GOPAL S. Supported metal complexes as heterogeneous hybrid catalysts for oxyfunctionalization of alkanes and other related reactions,2012 (Relatório de projeto).
2. MISHRA, GOPAL S. Synthesis and design of metal complexes, supported on nano-size mesoporous materials, as heterogeneous catalysts for gas-liquid phase hydro-isomerization and oxidation with O2 reactions of alkanes,2011 (Relatório de projeto).

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

Produção técnica
Technical production

Processos ou técnicas
Processes or techiniques
Processos ou técnicas sem registo ou patente
Processes or techiniques without patent or official record
Trabalhos técnicos
Technical works

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