O Instituto de Informática tem por missão apoiar a definição das políticas e estratégias das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) do Ministério das Finanças e da Administração Pública (MFAP) e garantir o planeamento, concepção, execução e avaliação das iniciativas de informatização e actualização tecnológica dos respectivos serviços e organismos, assegurando uma gestão eficaz e racional dos recursos disponíveis.
A Entidade de Serviços Partilhados da Administração Pública, I.P. (eSPap), cuja criação foi concretizada através do Decreto-Lei n.º 117-A/2012, de 14 de junho, assume a missão e atribuições do anterior Instituto de Informática, extinto por fusão. www.espap.pt
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The Five W´s of Web Site Evaluation - 2009
51.0 kB
Brasil - Formulating a Knowledge Management Policy Federal Public Administration the Brazilian Experience - 2008
938.2 kB
Using Knowledge Management in public administration is a new strategic path to perfect performance and to improve internal and external relationships between government organizations. According to Wiig (1999) the viability of any society depends on the quality in supplying public services, and that quality is influenced by many factors: governmental
structure, public servants’ responsibilities, specialization and capacities, information, and available knowledge. Among these, the author considers knowledge to be the chief promoter; the one fundamental resource that oversees the nature of practical measures and governs their direction.
Without adequate knowledge, all practical undertakings will dwell in ignorance and are bound to become arbitrary and fruitless.
Peru - Congress of the Republic of Peru - Knowledge Management Proposal - Set. 2008
118.5 kB
Este documento foi apresentado na última edição da World e-Parliament Conference 2008 e consiste num diagnóstico à gestão do conhecimento porparte do Congresso daR epública do Peru.
The eLearning Guild´s Handbook of e-Learning Strategy - 2007
7.8 MB
Case: Development of Website Maturity Evaluation Model for the Brazilian Ministry of Finance - Nov. 2006
918.5 kB
Management of Process Knowledge in Public Administrations - 2006
255.0 kB
Public administrations are facing an intense reorganization pressure. As a basis for their
reorganization decisions they need transparency about their process landscape. To achieve this, the implicit process knowledge within the administration has to be explicated. In the City of Münster this issue has been addressed with the project PICTURE@MS. In this project the PICTURE-method and its corresponding web-based tool for coarse granular modelling of the whole process landscape in public administrations was applied. Result of the project was a complete documentation of the process landscape of seven involved departments which has been made accessible via the web-based PICTURE-tool on the intranet of the public administration.
Invited Paper: The Accessible Web Portal B-Navigator: Prototype Evaluation - Abr. 2005
281.2 kB
The accessible Web portal B-Navigator
constitutes a digital medium between visually
impaired and blind people, and Internet. This
portal offers two basic functions: firstly, it “makes
accessible” the Web page solicited by the user
applying the accessibility norms recommended by
international organizations; secondly, it
“integrates” different adaptations like screen
magnifiers, document readers, which are
incorporated automatically in the Web page
visited although they were not been provided in
the original design.
This article presents an evaluation performed to a
prototype of the B-Navigator portal, where twenty
users with different visual disability levels have
participated. It was mounted in the Braille Library
of La Plata city, where an Internet environment
was simulated.
e-Invoicing and e-Archiving taking the next step - 2005
3.8 MB
Companies are convinced of the benefits and some took the first steps a few years ago with
EDI, although they still have to take the next step, i.e. get rid of parallel paper streams and
paper archiving thus improving return on investment and compliance. Another substantial
number of companies have engaged in scanning projects, but this is also an intermediate
step towards full e-Invoicing and e-Archiving. Other companies have waited till now, and are
catching up. They are now implementing their e-Invoicing and e-Archiving projects, or plan to
do so soon.
We also see that the technology for e-Invoicing and e-Archiving is still based on mature EDI
communication and that emerging technologies like Advanced Electronic Signatures are not
very well known and not much used.
Most companies do not outsource invoicing processes, although EIPP and EBPP platforms
are available all over Europe, but the reason for this may be because there is no real
pan-European platform in existence for the moment.
Archiving of invoices is still done on paper and on a local basis.
In other words, complete dematerialized, paperless e-Invoicing and e-Archiving are still at an
early stage. The legislation is ready, the technology exists, so it’s now up to companies to
take the next step.
Droits d'auteur et droits voisins dans la société de l'information : Pour une solution equilibrée - Position de l'interassociation bibliothécaires-documentalistes-archivistes sur le projet de loi sur le droit d'auteur et droits voisins - Jun.2004
112.0 kB
eAprendizagem ao longo da vida - Dossier temático do Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques DElors - Fev. 2004
207.8 kB
The Insider’s Guide to Knowledge Management ROI - Quantifying Knowledge - Enable Customer Service And Support - Fev.2004
89.4 kB
Linhas de Orientação Pulman - Primeira Edição - 2004
1.1 MB
Going from the Unacceptable to Exceptional: The How and Why of Balanced Scorecarding - Out. 2003
260.4 kB
Knowledge Management: Best Practices for Service and Support - Out. 2003
78.6 kB
Ten Principles for Knowledge Management Success - Set.2003
50.2 kB
IST Programme - Deliverable D4.2: Final Version of Strategic Roadmap - Project VISION - Next Generation Knowledge Management Network - Jun. 2003
1.7 MB
Measuring and Monitoring the Information and Knowledge Societies: a Statistical Challende - 2003
2.3 MB
The World Summit on the Information Society will be held in two parts:
the first in Geneva in 2003 and the second in Tunis in 2005. This document
is an interim report for the Geneva summit. Its aim is to foster debate on
policy-relevant cross-nationally comparable data in the area of information
and communication technologies (ICT). The recommendations below
suggest areas where international statistical agencies and national statistical
agencies should focus their attention.
Mesurer l´État et l´Évolution de la Sociéte de l´Information et du Savoir: un Défi pour les Statistiques - 2003
2.5 MB
Le Sommet mondial sur la Société de l’information se tiendra en deux
parties, la première à Genève en 2003 et la seconde à Tunis en 2005. Le
présent document est un rapport provisoire à l’intention du Sommet de
Genève. Il vise à favoriser le débat sur les données de TIC pertinentes sur le
plan politique dans les comparaisons transnationales. Les recommandations
formulées ci-dessous suggèrent les domaines sur lesquels les agences,
internationales et nationales de statistique devraient concentrer leurs efforts.
Knowledge Creation in Organizations: Exploring Firm and Context Specific Effects - 2002
501.7 kB
Teaching Media Literacy in the Age of the Internet - 2002
81.6 kB
Knowlegde Portals and the emerging digital knowledge workplace - 2001
3.2 MB
Plano de acção eLearning - Pensar o futuro da educação - 2001
103.9 kB
A iniciativa «eLearning: pensar o futuro da educação»1 foi adoptada pela Comissão Europeia em 24 de Maio de 2000. Esta iniciativa, na sequência das conclusões do Conselho Europeu de Lisboa, expôs os princípios, os objectivos e as linhas de acção de eLearning, definidos como a utilização das novas tecnologias multimédia e da Internet, para melhorar a qualidade da aprendizagem, facilitando o acesso a recursos e a serviços, bem como a intercâmbios e colaboração à distância.
eLearning – Pensar o futuro da educação - Mai. 2000
78.0 kB
O Conselho Europeu de Lisboa de 23 e 24 de Março de 2000 captou a necessidade de agir
sem demora e atribui um papel prioritário à consecução da integração destas tecnologias nos
sistemas de educação e de formação. A iniciativa eLearning responde a este desafio, propondo concentrar os meios dos programas e dos instrumentos comunitários necessários num certo número de acções estratégicas, introduzindo dimensão e valor acrescentado europeus às iniciativas locais, regionais ou nacionais.