Ferramentas Pessoais


O Instituto de Informática  tem por missão apoiar a definição das políticas e estratégias das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) do Ministério das Finanças e da Administração Pública (MFAP) e garantir o planeamento, concepção, execução e avaliação das iniciativas de informatização e actualização tecnológica dos respectivos serviços e organismos, assegurando uma gestão eficaz e racional dos recursos disponíveis.

A Entidade de Serviços Partilhados da Administração Pública, I.P. (eSPap), cuja criação foi concretizada através do Decreto-Lei n.º 117-A/2012, de 14 de junho, assume a missão e atribuições do anterior Instituto de Informática, extinto por fusão. www.espap.pt


Gestão da Segurança

Subir um nível
Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation)
The Cost of Cybercrime: A Detica Report in Partnership with the office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance in the Cabinet Office - Mar. 2011 File 568.7 kB
Documento publicado pelo Governo britânico com o objectivo de avaliar o impacto do cibercrime na economia do país.
Security & Resilience in Governmental Clouds - Jan. 2011 File 2.0 MB
Relatório publicado pela ENISA onde a Agência de Cibersegurança Europeia apresenta vários modelos para ajudar os serviços públicos na decisão de avançar ou não para soluções de computação na nuvem.
Good Practice Guide for Incident Management - 2010 File 3.6 MB
Criado pela Agência de Cibersegurança Europeia (ENISA), este guia apresenta algumas boas práticas e orientações sobre gestão de redes e incidentes a nível de segurança.
Espanha - Guía para el uso seguro del DNI electrónico en Internet - Out. 2010 File 4.8 MB
Guia de utilização para a utilização segura do DNI electrónico, o documento de identificação espanhol.
Information Technology Sector Baseline Risk Assessment - Ago. 2009 File 3.5 MB
The Information Technology (IT) Sector provides both products and services that support the efficient operation of today’s global information-based society. These products and services are integral to the operations and services provided by other critical infrastructure and key resource (CIKR) sectors. Threats to the IT Sector are complex and varied. In addition to the risks presented by natural hazards— such as catastrophic weather or seismic events—the IT Sector also faces threats from criminals, hackers, terrorists, and nation-states, all of whom have demonstrated a varying degree of capabilities and intentions to attack critical IT Sector functions. Additionally, manmade threats to the IT Sector are also rapidly evolving from simple automated worms and viruses to complex social engineering attacks that exploit known and unknown vulnerabilities in products and services developed by the IT Sector. While existing security and response capabilities mitigate many of these threats, the IT Sector still faces Sector-wide risks to its ability to provide hardware, software, and services to other CIKR sectors. Due to the IT Sector’s high degree of interdependency with other CIKR sectors and the continuously evolving threat landscape, assessing vulnerabilities and estimating consequence is difficult. Therefore, these issues must be dealt in a collaborative and flexible framework that enables the public and private sectors to enhance the resiliency and security of the critical IT Sector functions.
Secure Computing Internet Threats Report - Jul. 2008 File 1.1 MB
As we look back at the threats that occurred in the past few months, and look ahead to the ones that will challenge us in the coming months, there are some characteristics of these threats that should be noted. The threats challenging us today are becoming a blended variety that challenge both email and Web security. Without integrated and correlated protection between the two, the ability to stay ahead of these threats will become increasingly difficult. Threats are becoming more and more sophisticated as recipients of threats are better educated on what to look for. Users are more cautious and this has lead to a rise in more cunning ways to harvest personal information without users’ apparent involvement. Spammers are continuing to use pop culture and current events (elections, Olympics) to entice end users into responding or clicking on links whose sole purpose is to download malware. The excitement over seeing a video of breaking news of an earthquake in China or the new sensational photos of your favorite celebrity can occasionally even encourage cautious users to open what could be suspicious mail.
Secure Printing - Abr. 2008 File 161.9 kB
Gestão da Segurança e Protecção de Dados ao serviço do Cidadão - Jun. 2007 File 4.4 MB
Information Security Certifications A primer: Products, people, processes - Dez. 2007 File 1.2 MB
The availability of accreditation and certification schemes can contribute to the trustworthiness of electronic products and services by raising the level of security. Information about such schemes should be widely disseminated. In order to be able to promote the use of existing schemes, ENISA has made an assessment of the need to facilitate the functioning and accessibility of accreditation and certification schemes and how this could be done in co-operation with the relevant standardisation bodies. This work included consideration of IT security certification of management systems as well as product and people certification.
EISAS - European Information Sharing and Alert System - 2007 File 4.7 MB
Este documento surgiu como resposta a um pedido da Comissão Europeia e é considerado o primeiro estudo sobre um Sistema Europeu de Alerta e Partilha de Informação para informar os cidadãos e as Pequenas e Médias Empresas dos 27 sobre as ameaças, vulnerabilidades e ataques informáticos

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